Page 55 of Saving Gavin

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"I can easily agree to that. I've been talking to Paisley about working with her training service dogs. She wants to slow down a bit as she and Easton want to start a family, but she doesn't want to give it up completely. We've been talking about me coming on to help. The dogs would all be housed at her place, but I’d take over helping train them."

Since you've always loved dogs, I think you’d be great at training them,” Lauren says. “If I allowed it, you'd fill an entire house with them, but know right now that having a house full of dogs is not an option."

Like I knew she would, she makes it perfectly clear right off the bat. Lauren loves dogs too, but she isn’t a huge fan of all the extra work and the cleaning. No matter how well I take care of the animals, there are some things I would never be able to help her with, like making sure we keep all the dog hair picked up. If I can't see it, it's impossible for me to help her, and I wouldn't even know it's there.

Lauren and I will have enough challenges ahead of us. The last thing I need is to add to them.

Today the bandages come off, and my nerves are on high alert. We decided it was best not to have Graham here. That way, whatever the outcome, Lauren has a chance to prepare him.

Lauren's mom is taking Graham to Fort McHenry today, and he's been talking about it for a few days. Who knew that little boy had such an obsession with forts?

We’re waiting for the doctor to come in, and every time someone enters, we both jump. On the plus side, there have been a lot of “I love you’s,” and she hasn't let go of my hand all morning.

When the doctor finally comes in, my nerves are shot, and I don't hear a word he says. Thankfully, Lauren is more alert, and she asks questions. At least she'll get the important information. After what feels like an eternity, the doctor finally starts removing the bandages. I tell myself everything is going to be like it was and there will be no change, so I'm not disappointed if there’s no improvement. I've been saying it multiple times a day, but I hope with everything in me that there is.

When the bandages are finally removed, I keep my eyes closed. But there's a small shift in the light in front of my eyes, giving me hope that something's changed. But I'm too scared to open my eyes.

"I'm right here and nothing changes with us regardless of the result, Gavin." Lauren’s words are enough for me to take the plunge.

At first, when I opened my eyes, they hurt and are dry and scratchy. I close them immediately and a nurse puts a few eye drops in. They make me wait a moment before I try again.

This time when I opened my eyes, I can see the different shades of light and shadows. I can see colors, but everything is blurry. When I turn my head to where Lauren is, I can only make out her shape and can't see any details. Though I can tell she's wearing a blue shirt.

"I can see colors, but everything is very blurry. But I can tell Lauren is wearing a blue shirt, and even better, I can tell approximately where she’s sitting." I move my hand in her direction.

It isn't until she leans in to kiss me that things start to come into focus. Her lips touch mine for a moment before I reach up and hold her face in front of me. She's so close I can see the small changes in her from when we were in school.

"I knew time would only make you more beautiful. But damn, I couldn't have imagined how much you’ve changed in just a few years. You’re perfect."

Lauren starts crying, and I simply hold her, refusing to let her go as the doctors run a bunch of tests. They remind me I'm still going to be considered legally blind, so there's no driving a car. With the help of glasses, I should be able to function, and my vision should improve daily, so I won't be so heavily reliant on Gem. Though she'll still be by my side.

After some discussion, the doctors decide to discharge me. I'll have to return for some doctors' appointments before we can go home to Georgia, but at least I won't be stuck in the hospital anymore. Once we get ready to go, Lauren calls her mom and has her and Graham meet us at the apartment.

I’d gotten to getting around before my surgery, but things feel slightly awkward now. Yet Lauren is patient with me. The moment we get in the door, Gem is at my side, and even though she doesn't have her vest on and knows she's not working, she stays right beside me. It's nice to know she missed me as much as I missed her.

A small figure walks up and stops a few feet in front of me. By the sound of the footsteps, I know this is Graham. My nerves are again on full blast, but I kneel in front of him and wait for him to take the steps to come to me.

"Hey, buddy. I sure could use a hug," I tell him, holding out a hand.

He takes a few hesitant steps toward me but stops before reaching me. "Did the surgery work?"

"Well, I can see your sneakers light up with each step, and you’re wearing a red shirt and shorts. Why don't you come closer so I can finally see my son's face?"

With that, he runs into my arms and gives me a huge hug. When he pulls back, I hold him in place so I can get a good look at him.

"Your mom was right. You look just like me when I was about your age. But thankfully, you've got your mom's eyes and her smile."

His smile widens as he pulls me in for another hug.

"Well, there's one more thing we need to take care of." I walk into the bedroom to find my backpack on a chair in the corner. Gem is right by my side, watching me, looking confused.

I reach into the front pocket and pull out the little box I stored there, hoping the right time would present itself while we were here. I can't think of a better time.

Walking into the living room, I go to Lauren and drop down on one knee."All those years ago, I knew you were the girl I wanted to marry. I worked my butt off and bought you a ring that’s nowhere near worthy of what you deserved. I went to talk to your dad, but then we got sidetracked. I think everything happens for a reason, but my feelings for you never changed, and they never will. Lauren, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to build a home with you and Graham. I want to have more kids. I want the life we always talked about growing up. Lauren Ellis, will you marry me?"

Lauren kneels in front of me, bringing her face to mine so I can see every detail, including the tears running down her face.

"Yes." Her voice shakes.

I can tell she wants to say more but isn't able to so I pull her into me and place the ring on her finger. Then I kiss my fiancée for the first time.

Our kiss is broken as Graham comes over and wraps us both in a hug. The life I want is much closer now, and I’m going to make it happen.

Tags: Kaci Rose Romance