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“I can understand that.”

“And so that’s why I didn’t wish to admit…”

He moved closer, one of his hands reaching up to cup her jaw. “Evie,” his voice sounded ragged. “Do you know what sort of exquisite torture this is?”

Torture? For him? “Why? Are you afraid of sharing your feelings too?”

“Your feelings?”

She nodded. “I’m not very good at putting myself out there but—”

“You don’t have to do this,” he said, his thumb sweeping across her cheek. “I know what your mother wants is not the same as what you wish.” He leaned down, his forehead lightly resting against hers. “I’ll not allow her to force you into an unwanted match. Not if I can help it.”

That promise stole her breath and any fear she’d had disappeared. Evan was a man worth fighting for.

* * *

Evie stilled in his arms.

Should he hold her tighter? Let her go? Gads but he wanted to pull her close and never let go. “Evie?”

“I love you,” she whispered back, her voice breathy and high.

He blinked, pulling back in surprise. “What?”

She reached around his neck, rising up on tiptoe so that her lips were tantalizingly close. “I confess I resisted at first. You’re a duke and I hate being in front of the ton…”

His mouth opened to speak and say what? His ears rang with surprise as he looked down at her, his hand finding the small of her back and pulling her closer. “You didn’t want me because I’m a duke.” How had that not occurred to him? He’d known she was different from the others, but the realization wrapped about his like a warm blanket.

“That’s right. I just couldn’t deny that my feelings were growing for you the more time we spent together, Evan.”

His head automatically moved back and forth. Did he look like he was denying the truth? He couldn’t help it. This was his dream and it was coming true right in front of him. “For me?”

“Have I upset you?” Evie asked worrying her lip. “I didn’t mean to. I just couldn’t leave without telling you.”

Upset him? He looked at her for a moment longer before he captured her lips with his own. She was warm and so unbelievably soft underneath him as her chin tilted to allow him better access.

Her mouth moved with his, her body melding against his torso and chest. She belonged in his arms. Of that he’d never been more certain.

And though he could kiss her forever, he slowly raised his head. They were still in the larder with Mrs. Derby right outside the door.

He looked down into the gentle contours of her face, welling with emotion as his thumb stroked over her damp lower lips. “You love me?”

She gave a tiny nod, her gaze searching his.

“And you hesitated on courtship because of your mother.”

“It’s silly but yes, that was part of it. And to be honest, because I still don’t know if I’m up to the task of being your duchess. I’m not very good at—”

But he silenced her with another quick kiss. How to make her understand… “Evie. What I need is a woman who wants to be with me.” But it was more than that. “And you, are everything I could have ever wished to have and to hold.”

“Really?” Her fingers slid up into his hair. “You care about me too?”

“Care?” He kissed her a third time. “Evie, I’m so in love with you it hurts to breathe.”

She gasped, which only pushed her body closer to his.

He dropped down his forehead, resting it on hers once again. “It’s why I didn’t come to dinner. I couldn’t watch you and not hold you against me tonight. It’s too difficult.”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical