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Evie spentthe next two days wondering where she’d went wrong.

When they’d left the library after the duke’s apology, she’d thought that they’d made amends and that they were ready to move on. Pick up where they left off and maybe even begin courting for real.

Whatever hesitation she’d had about being a duchess had evaporated. She was in love. And Lady Greenburg was right. He was a good man who would learn from his mistakes. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t made a few of her own.

She’d hoped they could both forgive and continue forward.

But apparently, that wasn’t what Evan had in mind.

She’d hardly seen the duke. He didn’t go shopping, which wasn’t odd; he’d told her he had work to do. But that same evening, he hadn’t been at dinner. And then yesterday, he’d been absent all of the day.

She’d replayed the conversation over in her head a dozen times and she’d realized a few important details.

Most notably, she’d made another mistake.

She’d not actually apologized.

Or shared her feelings. Told him how he stole her breath and made her heart hammer in her chest. She’d not shared how, despite the fact that her mother supported his suit, she did too. A powerful truth to be sure.

But most important of all, while her mother cared about the title, she wanted the man. Evan.

Which is why she’d risen early. The party ended tomorrow, then Evan would return home and who knew when she might see him again? It had to be today. Today where she put her bravest foot forward and told him the truth.

Her heart belonged to him.

Just thinking the words made her stomach flutter with butterflies. But she had to do it no matter how much she disliked the idea of putting herself out there. Though she usually avoided conflict, this was just too important and besides…

If she were going to be a woman, she had to learn to be brave.

She’d gotten up early and dressed in the same purple dress she’d worn to play games. Would he understand that she’d chosen that gown on purpose? It was meant to show that this was her attempt at bravery.

She drew in a trembling breath.

Lady Greenburg had discreetly revealed last night that the duke often went on early morning rides to clear his head and exercise his body. He often arrived back at around ten.

Evie intended to use that information to gain a far more private audience with Evan.

She drew in a trembling breath as she made her way to the door. She was early yet but she wasn’t certain she could wait any longer.

But her hand had no more come to the handle of the door when a knock sounded. “Evie?”

“Mother?” She pulled the heavy paneled door wide to allow her mother in. “What is it?”

“I…” Her mother’s gaze swept down her. “Not the cream gown?”

Evie sighed, not wanting to argue now. She needed to save her strength for Evan. “No. Not the cream gown.”

Her mother gave a stiff nod. “You’re going to talk with him, aren’t you?”

Evie glanced down at the floor. Stablehands would be about. It wasn’t totally inappropriate. But she didn’t want her mother volunteering to attend. Speaking the truth would be easier without her mother in attendance.

The countess stepped into the room. “Either way, his attention will only benefit you. You know that. Once everyone hears all the favor he paid you, other suitors will step forward.”

Evie met her mother’s gaze. “I understand but I also know a great deal more than just a good match is at stake.”

“You care for him,” she said as her eyes widened.

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical