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“Apologize?” One of her hands floated up landing lightly on his chest.

“For what I did in the dining room. I should never have yelled like that. I’m sorry.”

Her breath caught as she continued to stare. “Thank you.”

He cleared his throat. “And I want you to know that I have every intention of learning to control my temper. There must be other techniques or methods I can use. I will get better.”

“I know you will,” she answered, swaying closer.

His other hand wrapped about her waist. He couldn’t forget that they were not alone. He’d like to. He wished he could capture her lips with his and kiss her until he forgot all that happened this evening. Just one more time. “And I’d also like to thank you for spending time with me at this house party.”

“No. Thank you,” she answered, her hand sliding up to his neck. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you too.”

When she said things like that, he could almost hope. “Would you do me the kindness of entering the dining room with me and my aunt. I think it will do both of us a world of good as far as gossip was concerned.”

“Of course,” she said, her fingers sliding along the exposed skin of his neck just above his cravat.

Quickly, he leaned down and placed a light kiss on her forehead. Her scent wrapped about him and he closed his eyes, breathing her in. This time, more than any time, he was filled with regret.

It wasn’t just his pride that had been hurt with Evie, but his heart. He’d fallen in love, a love that made him yearn to be a better man.

But he’d realized that far too late.

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical