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Would she be willing to give up of herself up that yearned for a life out of society?

* * *

Evan staredthrough the rain-soaked window, the grey sky adding a dull and dreary air to the house party.

Around him, a party played cards and other games, but even their voices were more muted than they’d been the day before.

He’d seen Evie at breakfast but something in her demeanor had been different. She’d been just as sweet, but more reserved.

Was she embarrassed about the way he’d kissed her yesterday?

She had every right to be.

A gentleman ought to propose after taking such a liberty. He looked across the room where she sat playing chess with Lady Matilda. The two of them stared down at the board, their gazes intent as they played.

“She’s lovely, isn’t she?” his aunt asked from next to him. When had she snuck up on him?

He looked over at her. “You know you’ve asked me that already, don’t you?”

His aunt gave a light laugh. “I suppose I did.”

“I’ve met lots of pretty women.”

Her smile only grew wider. “I’m sure you have.”

He watched as Evie slid a single finger along her lower lip, her mouth slightly pursed in concentration. He’d like to kiss that mouth again. Hold her close against his body and feel her heart beating against his. “But this one is different.”

“She is,” his aunt quietly agreed. “She is well matched to you, I think.”

Evan didn’t argue.

His only concern was that her family had been more interested in the match than she was but the more time he spent with her, the more that worry melted away. She seemed to enjoy his company, she’d assured him she liked his nature, she’d been responsive to his kiss. All wonderful signs that he’d finally found a woman that liked him far more than his title.

Which seemed a bit like a miracle.

“And if I were considering offering…”

His aunt drew in an excited breath. “Her family is well-connected, as you already know. Her dowry is sufficient, her family amenable—”

“What about Evie? Is she interested in a match?”

“Evie?” His aunt lifted her brows as she continued to smile.

“It suits her,” he said, repeating his aunt’s earlier words.

His aunt touched his arm, laughing as she did. “Too true.”

He looked at Evie again, watching as she made a decisive move on the board, her face still intent upon the game. “But I still wish to know. Is she interested? Would she like a match?”

“I haven’t asked her but I wonder if you should. You do spend a fair bit of time with her.” His aunt looked over at Evie. “After her game, of course.”

Evan nodded absently as he continued to watch her play. Perhaps he’d challenge her to a game when she and Lady Matilda were done. Figuring out her feelings about him felt like a game of strategy in and of itself.

He started toward Evie, her hands now tented in front of her face as she waited for Matilda.

“Checkmate,” Matilda called out.

“Drat,” Evie replied. “Though I should have known you would win. Your scientific ability is well-suited to games like this.”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical