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“No,” Evie said. “I completely understand. I wish to marry, I do. But I’ve little interest in being a duchess. I want a quieter life and…”

Tillie shook her head. “That is going to be a problem.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because…” Tillie leaned closer. “The duke definitely wants you.”

Evie sucked in her breath. “I like him too. I just wish…”

“He had less of a temper?”

“No. That he wasn’t a duke.”

Tillie bit her lip. “That’s too bad. Because he could learn to control his emotions, but being a duke is one thing that you can’t change.”

“You’re right.” So why did she allow herself to grow so excited every time he came near her? “I like everything about him except his title.”

Tillie’s mouth twisted as she looked up at the ceiling. “You’ll have to decide if it’s something that you can overlook.”

Evie nodded but her thoughts had begun to run away with her. Could she? But she focused back on Tillie. “So what was your question? You’re not sure you wish to wed?”

Tillie let out a long breath. “I think I would wed, if it were the right man. But I wonder…” She looked down at her hands. “I’m not even sure Lord Rangeley actually likes me. When I see you and your duke, I see a man who is smitten.”

“He isn’t my duke,” Evie quickly corrected. “But I see your point. Lord Rangeley paid me some favor at the beginning of the house party and while he’s charming and attentive, he…” She searched for the correct words.

“He doesn’t seem all that emotionally involved?” Tillie supplied.


Tillie sighed. “That’s what I was afraid of.”

Evie winced as she squeezed Tillie’s hand tighter. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Tillie gave her a small smile. “Friends help one another and it’s a great help to gain your perspective.”

Evie’s chest swelled with appreciation at Tillie’s words. “What can I do?”

“Nothing,” Tillie assured her. “Actually…” she paused as her gaze focused on Evie again, “tell me about how it feels to be with His Grace.”

Evie drew in a stuttering breath, her pulse jumping as she thought of him. “Well…he makes my heart beat faster and when he looks at me, the whole world falls away.”

Tillie’s assessed Evie her eyes narrowed in contemplation. “And what will you do if he offers for you?”

That was an interesting question. One she didn’t have a good answer to. “I don’t know. On the one hand, I like his strong nature, his ability to make me comfortable, and we’ve a great deal in common.”

“And on the other?”

She looked at Tillie, wincing a bit. “I’d have to spend my entire life on the stage, so to speak, being watched by all of society.”

Tillie’s brows drew together. “But personally, he suits you?”

“I think so.” Evie nipped at her bottom lip as she considered what she’d have to give up if she allowed her relationship with the duke to continue to develop.

Tillie’s shoulder lifted. “I understand what you mean. I like to study plants. If I fell in love with a man and that man wanted me to give up my academic pursuits…”

Evie sat back, realizing they were very similar. She had a piece of herself that would have to compromise in order to be Evan’s wife…not that he’d offered.

But if he did…

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical