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Evie could feelEvan fighting for control. Like a palpable force, his energy filled the air and his hands clenched at his sides as he tried to contain it once again.

She wished she could wrap her arms about him, hold him close. Help him.

She didn’t mind his quick temper. She’d grown up with her mother after all… But it clearly bothered him, and for that she was sorry.

With a large smile, she did the only thing she knew to help the situation. She promptly changed the subject.

“Lady Greenburg, do you ever paint from this vantage point? It’s such a lovely view and in the sun like this, it would make a wonderful landscape.”

Lady Greenburg gave her a glowing smile. “Why yes, in the early days of my marriage I did. You know, I used to be quite good as an artist. I gave this very scene to my husband on our second anniversary.”

Everyone relaxed as the conversation continued on this much safer topic. Lady Greenburg detailing all the changes to the property since her arrival thirty years ago. And she peppered her story with bits about her late husband, whom she clearly missed.

Evie sighed to hear the affection in the woman’s voice. What would it be like to marry a man for whom she clearly held a great deal of feeling?

She glanced over at her mother, who gave her the briefest nod to show her approval. A warm glow flowed through Evie. Those moments were so rare, she basked in the moment.

Some might not have even known that was high praise from the countess, but she did. Snapping open her fan, she hid her smile behind the fluttering tool. But soon she began to fan herself in earnest as the sun rose higher in the sky, heating her skin. The dress trapped in the heat, surely making her cheeks flush.

Evan leaned closer. “Hot?”

“A bit,” she answered, fanning even faster. With him so near, she had even more reason to be overset.

Her heartbeat quickened every time he moved close.

“Your habit seems heavy. Don’t they make lighter—” But he stopped at her mother’s huff of breath.

Evie’s smile bloomed again. She held no real malice against her mother, but she did enjoy someone else calling out her mother for being wrong. “They do.”

He quirked a brow as he pointed his eyes at her mother and then looked back at her. She had all she could do not to laugh out loud. And she had to confess, she liked this side of him, a great deal in fact.

“Are you nearly finished?” he asked, glancing down at her plate.

She looked down at her half-eaten hunk of bread. She’d be hungry later, but for once, she hardly had an appetite. Today had been too fraught with tension and excitement. “I am.”

“I see Lord Rangeley and Lady Matilda just over there. Perhaps they’d join us on a stroll along the forest paths. It’s sure to be cooler.”

She gave him a glowing smile. It was thoughtful both that it would be cooler and because she’d very much like to spend time with Lady Matilda again. The other woman was much like Evie in very important ways. They were on the outskirts, their natures not quite suited to society. “I’d like that very much. Thank you.”

“I’ll be right back then,” he said, returning her grin as he rose from the blanket and crossed over the where Lord Rangeley sat next to Lady Matilda.

The other man rose to greet the duke and the two of them conversed for a minute or two before Evan came strolling back toward her.

Her breath caught to watch him, his body strong and powerful as he moved toward her, his gaze catching hers.

How could one man be that appealing?

She found herself raising her fan once again to hide her embarrassed grin. He was so handsome. His looks were almost distracting.

* * *

He returnedher smile with his one of his own. This day had had the potential to be a disaster. But twice, she’d made it better.

He rose, determined to show her as much consideration as she’d given him. Rangeley had readily agreed to the idea of a walk, the other man clearly looking for an opportunity to woo Lady Matilda.

Evan still wasn’t sure he supported the man’s agenda. He supposed another reason he wasn’t wed was that he’d been searching for a real connection with a woman. One who might actually like him and not just tolerate marriage to him in order to be a duchess.

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical