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He felt his anger rising like the tide. He’d not been trivializing. “What I meant is that I already have several solutions.”

“And will they be any more effective than your choices in the past? Because I hear this is a recurring problem.”

“So is you sticking your nose into my business, but somehow, I can’t keep that from happening either.”

Everyone at the blanket grew still as they stared at Evan.

“Now see here, young man.” Everett straightened. “Your rudeness is uncalled for.”

“For once,” Evan barked. “Would you cease your endless prattle?”

“I will not. Your lack of respect is ridiculous.”

“I’d respect you if there were anything worth respecting.” His voice boomed over the assembly, conversation at several nearby blankets stopping as everyone turned to stare.

“Evan,” his aunt chastised, her exasperated cry reverberating in his ears. He’d done it again.

Evie’s hand came to his arm.

It was her touch that seemed to break the spell of resentment that settled all around them and he met her questioning blue eyes as a resigned sigh fell from his lips. He’d gone too far.

He knew it.

What would Evie think of him after seeing his rude side? The worst part…he’d done far worse in his day.

If he could just learn to curb this tendency of his…a bright future could be his. Evie’s fingers tightened, her mouth turning up a bit. His own eyes closed. He needed to try harder.

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical