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“Don’t be silly.” Evie gave her a warm smile, sympathy at the woman’s insecurity coursing through her. “It’s all in fun. It doesn’t matter how you play.”

Matilda gave her a welcome smile of relief as they stopped to pick out their mallets. “I know all the rules,” Matilda informed her. “I’ve read them.”

Evie nodded. “Good.”

“And I understand the geometry of hitting the ball in various places along its curve to direct the ball in different directions.”

“So intelligent,” Lord Rangeley murmured as he cleared his throat.

Evan audibly let out a long rumbling breath as Evie ignored both of them, focusing on Matilda. While she was still uncertain how much she wished for the duke’s attention, she would very much like to make a new friend. “Don’t forget to factor in the slope of the ground. It will exaggerate the ball’s speed and trajectory.”

Matilda gave her a tremulous smile. “I will. Thank you.”

“And,” Evie held up a finger, “don’t forget to have fun.”

Matilda laughed. “I’ll do my very best.”

Evie nodded with a small wink. “Good.”

“Shall I toss the coin to see who plays first?”

“I’ll do it.” Evan stepped forward, standing close to Rangeley, his jaw set in a hard line.

“Shouldn’t we choose teams first?” Matilda asked, her brow crinkled. “Before we decide which team plays first.”

Rangeley flashed both ladies another of his grins. “Which of you lovely ladies would like to play with me?”

Evan’s face went filled with color. Was the duke jealous or just annoyed by the earl? Evie’s brows rose as her eyes met Evan’s. He visibly relaxed as their eyes met.

“I fear I shall be hindrance to whoever partners with me,” Matilda volunteered, shifting.

“Let’s play together,” Evie said, hooking her arm with the other woman’s. Then she looked at Evan again. Making him play with Rangeley, who he obviously didn’t like, seemed a bit cruel after the way he’d sought her out this morning but Matilda needed some help of her own and Evie could see why Evan didn’t like Rangeley.

There was something false in every one of his actions.

As though he was just a player in a play and not really there with them at all. And somehow, she already liked Matilda and she felt the need to protect her. She didn’t know if she could say all that to Evan but she tried to convey her concern with her eyes.

“In that case, I say we forgo the flip and allow the ladies to go first,” Evan said visibly relaxing.

Had he understood?

“All right.” Rangeley flashed another smile as he picked up a mallet. “Let’s begin.”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical