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His brows lifted even as her shoulders drooped. “Evie?” His stomach tensed as he attempted to understand what was wrong that she had sequestered herself inside. Was she truly trying to avoid him?

She held up the edge of her skirt, lifting it up off the floor. “My mother would say that I was pouting like a child, and she might be right, but she insisted I wear this gown and it’s ridiculously difficult to maneuver in the grass.”

He frowned. That had been his other thought. The Countess of Dunstable was the reason her daughter had retreated. “So change.”

Evie blinked in surprise. “I couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

She touched her chin. “Because she’ll not take it kindly and…” Evie stopped again. “I could just change.”

“Clearly, she hasn’t noticed your absence. She might not even see you and if she does,” he took a half step toward her, “I’ll make sure to be at your side.”

She gave him a glowing smile, the sort that sucked the air from his chest. “That is most kind.” And then a flush filled her cheeks. “I’ll only be a moment.”

“I’ll wait.” He assured her, warmth spreading through him.

She started toward him and then stopped again, now close enough that he could reach out and touch her. “Do you think we might stop by the kitchen?”

Did she wish to reminisce about their meeting yesterday? See Mrs. Derby? His brows drew together even as he agreed. “Of course.”

And that’s when her stomach let out a loud rumbling growl.

She covered it with her hand, her other coming up to cover her mouth. “Oh dear,” she whispered.

But his brow drew lower as realization dawned. “Your mother insisted you skip the morning meal, didn’t she?”

Evie’s head dipped and he had his answer.

Reaching out, he gently took her elbow in hand and started for the kitchen. She moved closer, falling in step with him as her fresh scent wrapped about him. The tension that had built in him all day eased as they started for the stairs once again.

Breakfast for his Venus followed by lawn games. She gave him the sweetest smile as they reached the stairs and started down for the kitchen.

Evan had a moment where his chest tightened as he mentally chided himself. He ought not to like her appreciation so much. It was dangerous to grow accustomed to such treatment.

* * *

Forty-five minutes later,full and in a new dress, Evie and Evan slipped into the crowd, as thought they’d been there all morning.

Evie still wasn’t certain how Evan had managed such a seamless transition considering the attention he always seemed to draw.

How did he manage to regularly avoid unwanted attention?

But as they made their way toward the croquet court, people began to notice them. Today, she didn’t mind the whispers and glances quite so much.

She loved the dress she now wore, dark enough to hide any grass stains. And with her arm tucked into Evan’s arm…

He stood tall and so handsome next to her, his watchful eyes like a sentry, her personal guard.

Behind her, another voice called. “Do you fancy a few more players?”

She turned to see Lord Rangeley behind them with another lady whom Evie had met a few times, Lady Matilda. A quiet brunette, she’d seen her in the library twice since her arrival four days prior, and while they’d smiled hello, they’d not actually spoken.

She heard Evan grumble a small protest next to her but for whatever reason, his rumblings didn’t bother her. Underneath them, she sensed a vulnerability. So she gave his arm a squeeze as she turned back to the two of them. Matilda shifted uncomfortably and Evie’s heart turned over in sympathy. “We’d be happy to have you join us.”

Evan shifted next to her, his frown evident, but he remained quiet. Lord Rangely smiled, showing his row of straight, white teeth. There was no question the man was handsome. But his looks held little emotion, as though he were just enacting a series of movements. So she looked instead at Matilda, a blush already creeping to the woman’s cheeks.

Matilda visibly swallowed. “I don’t play often. If you’d like to find other players…”

Tags: Katherine Ann Madison Historical