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“You dastard.” William lunged at him, but the earl restrained him and held him back. “You compromised my sister. Now what’s left of her reputation will be in shreds once her condition becomes obvious.”

Guilt and excitement twisted down Royce’s spine as he skirted around Finn’s Bath chair to keep the older Stormes at bay. “If you’ll but listen—”

“By Jove, Marsden, I’ll have your head for this.” Andrew popped his hands on his hips and glared. “What possessed you to do such a thing?”

“Honestly, Drew, we all know how Cousin Isobel acts around men, and she’s always courted scandal,” Finn interrupted with a mischievous grin flirting about his mouth. “Can we all agree, though, that it’s good she’s settled on one man and that she hasn’t left him cowering in a corner somewhere?”

“Do shut up, Finn.” The earl glared at his brother. “Now is not the time for humor.”

“I’ll argue that it is. Until we hear what the doctor has to say, anger is unproductive.” He slid a glance to Royce. “Did she lead you a merry chase or did you encourage her?”

Again, the room exploded into accusations and threats that grew progressively louder. Trey joined the fray to defend him while Finn was apparently bent on playing the devil’s advocate, which only incited further annoyance into the group.

Royce put space between the seething men. When he gained the middle of the room, a swath of peace came over him, and suddenly, he came into own as the Earl of Worchester. “Enough!” Authority rang in his voice, enough to quiet the din. As everyone looked at him with disapproval and speculation, he put up a hand. “That will be enough.” One by one, he met each man’s gaze. “Yes, we are facing an acutely embarrassing situation, and it can’t be dealt with until Isobel heals from her injuries.” His voice was level and steady. He lifted his chin a notch as a feeling of power surged through him. This must have been what his father felt at times. “Whatever happens from here on out is my decision and hers alone. Do you understand?”

Andrew bristled. “But, I am—”

“No.” Royce held his gaze, dared him to object. “It’s a private matter and does not concern you, Hadleigh.”

“Are you threatening me, Doctor?”

“I am not, and since you’ve forced my hand, if you can’t be civil, you should refer to me as Worchester. I will only respond to ‘doctor’ from my contemporaries and friends.” Though his stomach was tied in knots, a certain thrill of victory shot down his spine.

“Fine, but that doesn’t excuse your part in this.”

“Oh, I quite agree, and I take full responsibility, but you must let me talk with Isobel. She needs copious amounts of coaxing to come around.” He sighed, and some of his newfound confidence wavered. “I’ve come to know the woman she is better over the time we’ve spent together, and she needs a delicate touch.”

A gasp issued from William. “Dear God. Isobel will flat-out refuse your suit since you hold a title now.”

Yes, the odds were well and truly stacked against him. “I’m well aware of her aversion, but I am a patient man, Inspector. Give me a chance.”

Finn wheeled over and paused beside Royce. “You’ve heard his stance on the matter. I suggest we all take some time to digest the events of the day and come back together later to discuss them properly over tea.”

The Storme men exchanged irritated glances. Trey said nothing, but he had a smirk on his face as he quit the room ahead of the others. Andrew nodded. “We are not done, Worchester.”

“No, we are not. There is much to decide, but it needs to come from a place of compassion and understanding. Not intimidation and anger.” When the men left, he looked at Finn and his shoulders sagged. “Will you lecture me too?”

“Of course not. Certain things in life happen. They probably seemed like good ideas in the moment, but now, when the consequences come calling, it’s a rather harsh reality to swallow.” For long moments, the major regarded him as if he were searching for the right words. “I’m speaking to you as a friend.”

“I appreciate that.” As the strength left him, Royce sank into a nearby chair while Finn turned his to face him. “It’s still a shock.”

“I’ll wager it is.” Grief flickered through Finn’s eyes but was gone just as quickly. “How do you feel about Isobel?” When Royce didn’t answer, the major continued. “Women have the tendency to throw us into a whirlwind. They’ll tear out our hearts and make us chase them, drive us to things we probably wouldn’t otherwise, but in the end, they’re essential to our very existence beyond desire.”

“Yes.” Royce nodded. He planted an elbow on the armrest and then dropped his face into his hand. “What’s between me and Isobel is complicated.”

Finn snorted. “Have you ever known a woman who wasn’t?”

“Isobel is the most stubborn one of the lot.” With a sigh, he lifted his head and met Finn’s gaze. Sympathy and amusement swirled together, damn him. “I’m supposed to be in mourning, Finn. So is she. Neither of those deaths is a month old. Nothing can be done due to society’s laws, yet she’s increasing.” He groaned, for it was a sticky wicket indeed. “We can’t put off a marriage. Imagine that scandal. Alternately, I can send her away to my father’s—mine I suppose—country estate, for there will still be the babe if she refuses my suit.”

“Oh, she’ll refuse. You know that already.”

“I do, but…”

“Listen.” Finn leaned forward and jostled Royce’s knee. “Have you learned nothing from her?”

“What do you mean?”

“Isobel is a Storme. That means she feels things deeply and is intense.” He pressed his lips together. “She is like water, which in essence means she’s powerful enough to drown you.”

Tags: Sandra Sookoo The Storme Brothers Historical