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“Then, perfect.”

She snorted. “Hardly. I have flaws and prejudices I need to work on, perspectives that need to be changed.”

“To me, you’re perfect… and perfect for me.”

Affection softened her gaze. “There’s no such thing as perfection, and even if there was, I wouldn’t want you to put me on a pedestal. I’m much too real for all that.”

“Ah, Jane.” He cupped her cheek, encouraged her close so he could brush his lips over hers. “With us together, excellence is possible. It might not be perfect in the definitive sense, but it’s happiness and that is a good start.”

“What are you trying to say, Major?” A frown tugged her kiss-swollen lips downward.

“Just this.” He shifted his position, pulled himself up to lounge against a mound of pillows to better look at her. “I love you beyond reason, and I’d like to spend the next twenty or thirty years of my life making you happy. If you’ll have me.”

“Hmm, I don’t know. For a writer who knows words have very specific meaning, that was rather poorly done of you.” A wicked twinkle glimmered in her eyes as she maneuvered into a sitting position. “How exactly do you want me in your life?”

Of course, she would dwell on the semantics. “Marry me. It won’t be easy, but I can promise you we’ll have contentment and happiness and sunny days too.”

She studied him for the space of too many heartbeats before finally nodding. “I can’t think of a reason why I shouldn’t.” Her smile was as bright as the summer sun outside. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Phineas Storme.” When she threw herself into his arms and kissed him with the same vigor that he claimed her lips, his chest tightened with profound joy.

“I don’t know where we’ll go from here, for marrying me will mean a step down in position for you,” he began, but when she pressed a forefinger to his lips, he left off.

“I won’t have you ruining this moment with doubts. We’ll work everything out. My father, however, will be furious, but I can convince him.” Her smile never dimmed as she combed a shock of hair away from his forehead. “But you must know right now my path is leading me to the clinic. I won’t sway from that.”

“Never would I dream of dissuading you. Follow your dreams, Jane, as I will do the same.” Finn kissed her, for no other reason than he could. “I’ll be there with you, and I also hope to finish my book. You never know. It might prove a wild success.”

She giggled. “My husband-to-be, a famous author.”

“It sounds rather nice.” Gently, he eased her into his arms and drew her back with him against the pillows. “Should you wish for children…” That one thing marred his happiness of the moment. “I’m not certain I can father them.”

“I haven’t given the matter of children much thought, but imagine all the fun we’ll have in discovering whether or not you can.” The throaty purr of her words had renewed desire tightening his chest.

“Oh, and there is a ring. Mother let me have my pick of the Hadleigh jewelry.” He glanced at his nightstand, but other than the decorative box containing the toys she’d given him, the wood was suspiciously empty. “Wellington loves shiny things. She must have run off with it, but I chose a ruby cut into the shape of a heart set in gold filagree, for you won mine from the very first.”

“How romantic.” Her eyes filled with tears. “My grandmother would be pleased, for she always told me to follow mine. I did and it led me to you.”

Finn hugged her close. They remained like that for long moments until the chime of a long case clock announced the four o’clock hour. “My family will return home soon. We should at least try to look less scandalous. No doubt Mother will wish to help plan the wedding.”

“I can’t wait.” Then Jane giggled again, for Wellington had jumped up onto the bed and cautiously approached her.

“Jane, may I present Wellington, my best friend. I hope the two most important ladies in my life can find a friendship.” When his fiancée put out a hand and the cat sniffed her fingers, he sighed.

He was so damned fortunate. To think he could find love and even happiness. It didn’t solve all his problems, and neither would it completely banish the depression, but it would go a long way into fighting it. With a grin at Jane, who scratched Wellington beneath her chin, he settled into the pillows.

I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

The End

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