Page 40 of Through His Eyes

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“I should at least text him so he knows I’m coming,” I insist.

“Okay, so text him. Let’s go!”

An hour later, dressed in a black off the shoulder dress and black heels with makeup on my face, and my hair curled into loose waves, I walk into Assets, an upscale night club in the Upper East Side. I texted Lachlan to let him know I was coming, but he never texted me back. I’m assuming he couldn’t hear his phone over the bass of the speakers in this place.

Following Jax and Willow through the throng of people, I glance around the club for Lachlan, seriously hoping I didn’t make the wrong decision in coming here. Any time I would offer to accompany Rick on his trips or to his business dinners, he would get a huge attitude, telling me I was too clingy, and if he wanted me to go, he would ask. I know now that a lot of the reason for his reaction was because he was cheating on me, but I still can’t help but question everything I do now. Lachlan is young and carefree. The last thing he probably wants is an older woman dampening his fun.

“Stop overthinking this,” Willow repeats as we approach a table that is filled with people. Immediately, I spot Evan and Gage, who work at the tattoo shop. From working there as their receptionist on and off for years, I’ve become good friends with both of them. Since I don’t know who the other men and women are, and I don’t see Lachlan anywhere, I head over to Gage, who smiles when he spots me walking over.

“Well, look who it is!” he shouts. “Am I seeing shit, or is it really Quinn Crawford in a dress, at a club?” He stands and embraces me in a hug.

“Yeah, yeah!” I laugh, and it feels good. I forgot what it was like to go out, without my daughter, and act like someone other than a mom. “How about you come with me to get a drink?” I might as well get a little bit of alcohol in my system to help me let loose.

“Gage!” a petite, brown-haired woman squeals, sidling up next to him and putting her arm around his waist—clearly staking a claim. “Who’s this?” She bats her mascara-covered lashes, and I stifle a laugh. I’m probably a good fifteen years older than her. She must know I’m hardly competition.

“I’m Quinn,” I say politely, “Jax’s sister.” I nod toward my brother who is leaning over and taking a shot from the center of Willow’s chest. Gross!

“Cool!” she exclaims. “I’m Courtney, Gage’s girlfriend.” Realizing I had no idea Gage has a girlfriend, I suddenly feel like a horrible person. Even after Rick died, I didn’t really make a huge effort to stay in touch with the people I used to be close to. Sure, I see Gage when I visit the shop—which isn’t really often because I’m always working or taking care of Kinsley—but I haven’t taken the time to find out how his life is going, what he’s been up to. I was so relieved to be out from under Rick’s hold, yet I never took the time to put the pieces of myself back together again like I promised myself I would do. I’m functioning, I’m mothering, I’m working, but I’m not actually living.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell her. I’m about to excuse myself to get a drink when Evan comes over and gives me a hug.

“It’s been awhile, woman!” he yells over the music.

“I know,” I agree, pulling back.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me?” an Irish accented voice says. When I look over, I spot a guy, similar in features to Lachlan—same green eyes and ginger hair, but a much shorter beard. He’s also a bit shorter than Lachlan, but not by much. His accent is a tad bit more pronounced than Lachlan’s, but still nowhere near as heavy as the Irish people in Sons of Anarchy.

“Declan, this is Quinn, Jax’s sister.” Declan’s eyes widen fractionally, and I briefly wonder if Lachlan has mentioned me.

“Nice to meet you,” he says, just as a woman comes over and puts her hand on his forearm. She looks almost identical to him, only more feminine. “This is my sister, Riley. She’s in town, visiting.”

“Hey, I’m Quinn.” I give her a small wave.

Another female comes over on the other side of Declan and gives his cheek a kiss. “Hey, baby, I was looking for you.”

“Sorry, I came over to meet Jax’s sister, Quinn.” He tilts his head my way. “This is Venessa.” When he doesn’t give her a label, she frowns but doesn’t say anything.

I give her a five finger wave as well. “I’m going to go grab a drink from the bar. Does anyone want anything?”

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance