Page 39 of Through His Eyes

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“So, what? She’s too old to date? To fall in love? You planning on making her live the rest of her life alone?” I quip. When they both look at me like I have a third eye, I say, “Look, I like Quinn and Mini-Q, and I have every intention—”

“Wait, who’s Mini-Q?” Jase asks, cutting me off.

“Kinsley.” I smile. “You know? Because she’s a mini version of her mother.” I picture them both at lunch earlier, and how they rolled their eyes at the same time when I cracked a cheesy joke, and the way both their eyes lit up over the sundae I surprised Kinsley with for playing a good game. One has black and the other blue, yet when they smile, they sparkle similarly.

“True.” Jase nods in agreement. “Okay, go on.”

“I like them both, and I want to get to know them. I can’t promise I won’t ever hurt Quinn because I don’t know what the future holds, but I can tell you right now, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt either of them. She told me about that fucker, Rick, and—”

“She told you about him?” Jax asks, shocked.

“Yeah…and if he were still alive, I would fucking kill him with my bare hands.” Jase and Jax both grin.

“All right,” Jase says, “I like you, and it’s obvious you like our sister, but if you hurt her…”

“I know,” I tell him, not needing him to finish his sentence. If I hurt her, I better be ready to find another job. But the fact is, if I hurt that woman in any way, I would never stay where she would have to see me. The last thing I want is for Quinn or her daughter to ever be hurt or sad in any way, let alone me being the cause of it.



I’m sitting on my couch with my phone in my hand, trying to decide what to do. After we left from having lunch with Lachlan, the plan was to meet with my friend Jenn, who is a realtor. I took photos of her wedding a few years back, and we hit it off. Unfortunately, she texted and apologized, asking if we could please reschedule for tomorrow due to a last minute emergency. I texted her back I understood and told her tomorrow would be fine.

Then Kinsley begged me to spend the night again with her cousins. When I called Celeste, she told me she invited her over and forgot to mention it. Apparently they’re going to the movies to see some new Disney flick. I offered to join, but Celeste told me to enjoy another night to myself.

I’ve thought about texting Lachlan to see what he’s up to, but I don’t want to appear too clingy. It’s not like we’re dating, and even if we were, I imagine couples his age aren’t attached at the hip twenty-four seven. Although, he did refer to himself as my boyfriend to my family, so there’s that…

Putting my phone away, I grab my iPad and pull up the book I’m currently reading. I’m not even through the current page when the front door swings open—much like it did last night—and in walk Jax and Willow.

“Hey!” Willow says, stopping in front of me. “Kinsley asleep?”

“She’s actually sleeping over at Celeste and Jase’s again.”

“Wow! Two nights in a row with no Kinsley. What are you going to do with yourself?” she jokes. “You should come out with us.” Instantly, my head is shaking of its own accord, but Willow raises her hand to stop me. “It’s been over ten years since you’ve been out. I remember when I first started at Forbidden Ink… before Rick. You used to be the life of the damn party.”

“That was a long time ago.” I was still in my twenties…Practically a lifetime ago.

“So what?” She waves her hand dismissively. “Put on a sexy dress and some heels, and come out with us.”

“I was actually thinking of texting Lachlan,” I admit.

“Well, then you can surprise him because he’s going to be there,” Jax says, coming back down the stairs in a fresh outfit. “His cousin Declan surprised him by flying back in today from Ireland, and we all decided to go out to welcome him home.”

“You know his cousin?”

“Yeah,” Jax says. “He hangs out with everyone.”

“I don’t know…” What if he gets annoyed that I showed up there without letting him know? What if he’s out with someone else? The thought makes my stomach sink. Just because we’re getting to know each other and he gave me the best orgasm of my life this morning doesn’t mean I can just show up and stake a claim on him.

“Stop overthinking this,” Willow says. “C’mon, let’s get dressed. You can put on a little makeup and brush your hair.” She laughs at her own joke as she grabs my hands and pulls me up.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance