Page 10 of Through His Eyes

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So, here I sit, in a chair in my father-in-law’s office across from my mother-in-law, waiting for their attorney to begin the reading of the will. Jax, of course, offered to go with me, but I told him this was something I needed to do on my own. It’s time I start standing on my own two feet again.

“Does anybody need anything? Water? Coffee?” I glance over and see Sylvia standing in the doorway. She’s wearing a loose, almost see-through flowy blouse matched with a conservative pencil skirt. Her blond hair is neatly pulled back into a harsh bun, and her makeup is done to perfection. As she strides across the room, her tiny ass sways, and I briefly wonder, if I completely starve myself, could I ever be as small as she is? I can’t even picture it.

When I don’t answer her, Jacquelyn says, “Quinn, don’t be rude. Sylvia is asking you a question.”

“Excuse me?” I snap, wishing now I would’ve let Jax accompany me.

“She asked you if you wanted something to drink. The polite response would be yes, please or no, thank you.” A very unladylike snort comes from me, and Jacquelyn’s eyes widen. In all the years I’ve been with Rick, I’ve never shown any kind of disrespect to his parents. Without having any of my own, I was hoping to develop a relationship with Rick’s. Unfortunately, I learned fairly quickly the only people more cruel and cold than Rick, are his parents.

“Let me get this straight,” I say. “You want me to be polite to the woman who was fucking my husband for the last several months, maybe even years. The woman, who was with him the night he died because instead of being with his wife at a family get together, he was taking his mistress out to dinner with the plan to fuck her afterward.” Jaquelyn gasps, Sylvia sniffles, and Kenneth glares. And I take a deep, cleansing breath because holy shit, it felt good to speak my mind and stand up for myself.

“Oh, you didn’t know? That your son was a lying, cheating, piece of shit? And spoiler alert.” I take a moment to look at each of them before I continue. “She wasn’t the only one. There were several.”

“How dare you!” Jacquelyn yells. “My son is dead! Don’t you dare spread lies about him. You will not tarnish his reputation.” Of course her only concern is his reputation.

Before I can respond, the family attorney walks in. Needing to keep up their appearances, Jacquelyn and Kenneth both compose themselves and greet Mr. Levine. Sylvia asks if he would like anything, and when he says no, she scurries out.

The will is read. Due to the prenuptial agreement I signed, and the fact we were only married for three years, everything that is related to the company goes to his father since they are partners. Rick left me the condo, since he paid it off and put my name on the deed as a wedding gift. The Porsche is also mine, as well as whatever is in our joint checking account where he used to deposit my “allowance” as he liked to call it. His sole bank accounts apparently go to his father, as it states in the will, to be used for the business. I am the sole beneficiary of the life insurance policy he took out on himself after we were married, though, so there’s that. Mr. Levine hands me all the paperwork, and when I look at it, I see the policy is worth a million dollars. Outwardly, I don’t show any emotion, but inwardly, I’m breathing a sigh of relief I’ll have the means to take care of my baby.

After thanking him, and without saying goodbye to my in-laws, because good fucking riddance, I walk out of the door and out of the building for the last time. Of course, Jax is waiting outside for me.

“You okay?” he asks, walking with me.

“I will be,” I tell him truthfully. When we get to my car, he takes my keys from me so he can drive.

“What’s next?”

“I was thinking I would put the condo up for sale. I don’t want to live there anymore,” I admit, instinctually placing a hand over my belly. I can’t imagine raising my baby in the same home where Rick would tear me down and belittle me on a daily basis. I need a fresh start. I can’t change the past, nor would I want to, since it gave me the precious baby in my belly, but I can sure as hell control my future.

Jax notices my hand and asks, “Is it true?” He nods toward my belly. “Are you pregnant?”

“Did Celeste tell you?”

“No, she wouldn’t say anything, but Jase hinted at it.”

“Yeah, I am, which is why I want to move. I need a fresh start.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance