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“Oh, did you get my text? Renata and Sue Ann are waiting to speak to you.” Audrey motioned to the women seated at the bistro seat.

“Yep. That’s why I brought this.” Viv lifted up the white three ring binder she was holding, and Audrey saw that the words Project Valentine were written in black marker across the front.

Audrey had to admit, she was impressed. Viv seemed to be taking this a lot more seriously than she did most things in her life. She didn’t think Viv had ever had a notebook for anything, even when she was in high school.

Viv gave her a cheeky wink before grabbing a croissant, taking a bite, and heading over to Sue Ann and Renata.

Audrey was still trying to shake off the disappointment that Josh had been a no show today as she removed her apron and grabbed her purse from beneath the counter and put on her jacket. He rarely missed a morning shift she worked.

Maybe he was just busy,the angel on her shoulder said.

Or maybe he just didn’t come in because you made things weird, the devil on her other shoulder, who sounded a lot like Viv pointed out.

She shook that thought off as she grabbed her purse and was just about to head out the back when Viv called out to her.


Audrey checked her watch. If she didn’t leave now, she’d be late to her shift at the shelter. Yes, it was volunteer, but still. She made her way to the table where now all three ladies were seated.

“I was just telling Sue Ann and Renata about the Dining in the Dark experience,” Viv explained. “And they have questions.”

“How do you eat in the dark?” Sue Ann asked, looking genuinely curious.

“It’s not actually as difficult as you’d think,” Audrey smiled. “It’s easy once you get acclimated to the environment.”

“I was telling them that it is supposed to enhance all of your other senses. Smell. Touch. Taste. Hearing. Did you find that your other senses were enhanced?” Viv asked.

Audrey flashed back to when Josh brushed his hand over hers when he was reaching for his glass, the tingles spread from her fingers, to her wrist, up her arm, and down between her legs.

“Yes.” Audrey nodded.

“And apparently, it’s easier to connect with your date because of that,” Viv explained.

Sue Ann’s eyes lit up. “Oh, you went on a date?”

“No.” Audrey shook her head. “It wasn’t a date. Josh was there because Nonna asked him to go and I was there because Viv got stuck in traffic.”

“Did you two have a good time?” Sue Ann asked hopefully, completely ignoring Audrey’s explanation.

Audrey smiled and she could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment as Sue Ann, Viv, and even Renata looked up at her expectantly. She hated any attention directed at her and especially attention that had to do with her personal life. “It was…different, for sure. But I think it will work really well for singles week. I’m actually running late. I’ll see you all later.”

Wanting to make a quick escape, Audrey didn’t go out the back door to the parking lot where she was parked. Instead, she left out the front of the shop. As she walked around the corner to the back of the building, her eyes automatically scanned over to Pine Auto Shop.

Josh was in the garage working beneath the hood of a classic car. It looked like the car he’d inherited from his dad, but she couldn’t be sure. He was wearing a long-sleeved thermal shirt that hugged his chiseled arms. His blue jeans were worn in all the right places, showcasing his firm rear end. Her mouth watered at the sight.

Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she pulled it out as she felt something wet on the corners of her mouth. She lifted her hand and realized that it was drool. She had literally been standing there drooling over Josh.

Embarrassment washed over as she rushed to her car and got in. As soon as she shut the door she looked down and saw it was a message from Pete who worked at the shelter.

Pete: Just got a new pit mix in who is terrified of men. Are you on your way?

She shot a quick message back.

Audrey: Be right there.

As she pulled out of the back lot pride prevented her from sneaking one more peek at Josh. She couldn’t believe she’d actually drooled. If Viv knew that, her sister would have a field day.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Hope Falls: Brewed Awakenings Romance