Page 10 of Beautiful Chaos

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The idea of packing up my car and running away kept crossing my mind, flaring to life in my head as my new Mercedes climbed the inclined roadway with ease.

With Sam’s guidance, I made the trek to the address Arjen had put into my satellite phone. Was it the only type of phone that worked up here? I’d driven an hour away from Arjen’s pristine neighborhood and had been traveling up a curvy inclined road for just as long, taking me away from anything resembling the civilized world. The last homestead we had come across had been at least forty minutes ago.

Thick, strong trees stood like it was their honor to be there. Beautiful rock formations flexed their strength, and peeking creeks pouring over and between rocks could be seen at a glance. Water from distant river canyons sparkled against the sunlight, winking as I snapped photos of its beauty in my head. The elevation made you aware of the height difference as it took more energy to breathe.

I drove on when my GPS started to get as confused as I was, thankful that Sam was leading the way. Like in Arjen’s neighborhood, I cracked my window and drew in the refreshing air. A deep whiff had me wanting to close my eyes as I sighed against the pleasant feel of it surrounding me.

When a large stone Victorian-style house came into view, my brows lifted, and I stretched my neck and leaned into the windshield checking it out. It was breathtakingly gorgeous, the sight leaving my lips parted in awe and my eyes scanning.

Sam turned his Jeep around so that his driver’s side window was in line with mine. I lowered my window to see what he wanted.

“I’ll be about a mile up the highway. There is a guard’s shack hidden from the view of the roadway. Phone me if you need anything. The front door is open.”

“Okay.” My brow lifted, but Sam took off before I could question him. In my car’s side mirror, he flashed me a thumbs up as he drove away, and just left me sitting there staring at the place.

Did Khane make a habit of leaving his door open, or did he even need to lock it since other humans didn’t exist here? Why had Sam left? Was he not invited into Khane’s house? Why was he hanging out on that lonely road, in a hidden guard shack, waiting for me to call if I needed him?

My roaming gaze went back to the house, chasing its beauty. It was a sight that couldn’t be ignored as it also presented itself as something to be respected. However, the idea of who I was set to meet climbed to the surface of my brain. This was not the place you wanted to be alone with a man that was rumored to be a people eater. I suppose the reason they called him “Kannibal” was why Sam had decided to leave me in the driveway.

The house drew me in once more. It appeared to be a part of the mountainous landscape. Was it built into the mountain? To someone like me with a taste for art and a deep appreciation of design, this house captivated me.

I sat in my car with the engine running, taking in the splendor of it and the way it sat poised, reminding me of a mini replica of a castle. This house had class and sophistication, descriptions that were in contrast to the reputation of its owner. The setting sun and landscape of the mountains in the background formed a picture of perfection, one I wanted to paint.

It didn’t appear that old, although a few vines had started their climb up the outer walls in areas. There was something mysteriously intriguing about the place. I liked it. A lot.

I drove farther along the wide driveway that overlooked a steep drop off and parked near the front door before popping my trunk.

There wasn’t a welcoming committee, not that I expected one, so I slung my purse across my shoulder and tugged the one suitcase from the trunk that I had decided to bring. The wheeled luggage made a loud thumping sound against the cobblestone driveway, casting light echoes as the sound bounced off the house.

By the time I had carted my luggage up the first of the four steps that led to the door, it had popped open, making a lazy moaning sound. A pale face peeked past the rustic mahogany door. It was an older woman who didn’t offer a hello. She stood at the door, observing as I dragged the bag up the final step, struggling and cursing under my breath.

My small accomplishment was dampened by the waiting and now frowning face at the door. “Desiree Evans.” I extended my hand, and hoped my forced smile appeared genuine.

“I know who you are,” her gruff voice uttered as her big light gray eyes raked over me. “Khane isn’t here right now. I’ll show you to your room,” she informed me in a clipped tone. Her irritation with my presence was noted. Why was she irritated? It hadn’t been my idea to be there. I could have stayed with Mecca and been just as safe as Arjen believed I would be with his brother.

When I hobbled past the threshold, my breath caught at the first sight of the interior space. Where the outside presented hints of mystery and intrigue, the inside was a modern-day metropolis of gothic and medieval design. It was dark sophistication displayed in the best possible way.

The house had already left an impression as I had started to build a collection of snapshots in my head. There were Toscana-garden statues, antique reproduction furniture, and sculptural wall décor that drew an instant smile. Framed classic art had me eager to get a closer view. Animal statues, angels, fairies, dragons, and gargoyles had my eyes bouncing around the room like a cat chasing a pin-light.

The items weren’t cheap knockoffs bought at wholesale. Some were clearly antiques. At a glance, I could tell that time had been spent on creating each piece as they were hand-crafted, carved, and painted.

There was enough vintage galore that it threw my mind into a feeding frenzy. Darkness kissed light, caressed it, and held it up so that it complemented everything it touched. A little darkness could be the easiest way to play up the light in any room, at least that was my take on it.

My head tilted to the side as I stared at Khane’s living room. There was something familiar about it, like I had been there before. The design and intricate placement spoke to me, whispering a secret my mind wasn’t going to let go of until I figured it out.

The loud clearing of the lady’s throat sounded, popping the bubble of artistic bliss that had surrounded me. She hadn’t bothered with an introduction, so I couldn’t call her by a name. Since she’d been so rude, I was content to call her Lady for now.

My luggage slid across the dark ceramic tile with ease as I followed Lady. We turned into a hall, and I was stopped in my tracks when she made an abrupt stop at the first door.

After the lady pointed to a closed door and left me there, I creaked the door to my bedroom open and stepped inside. There was so much to admire that I had already decided that I would be roaming the house to feed my fascination.

Across the hall from my room was a fully stocked gym with a glass wall that opened to the sky. The closer you stepped into the view, you were able to see the steep drop down the mountainside. The view made you want to be in the room.

There were big double doors at the end of the hall, and what was likely the master bedroom was unfortunately locked. I spied, touched, crept in and out of rooms, admiring, and exploring the vast depth of the designer’s mind.

The setup and the color schemes played into a gothic theme so intricately woven, it would take weeks, if not months to devour the exquisite artistry of each picture, sculpture, and precisely placed piece.

I continued to soak in Khane’s home until I was drawn to the door that sat on the lonely hall off the kitchen. The space surrounding the door wasn’t wide enough for it to be another room. The closer I stepped to the door, the tighter my skin drew on my bones. The hair on the back of my neck stood and waved as if a finger had brushed with a feathery touch across them.

The chill in the air had me shrugging and folding my arms across my chest, but the power of my curiosity kept me moving. Thankfully, I hadn’t run into Lady while I was snooping. Was she hiding and spying on me? What was she to Khane and Arjen?

My hand wrapped around the ice-cold doorknob and turned it with no success. Like the master bedroom door, this one was locked and determined to keep me in suspense. A breeze whistled in through the dark crack, teasing my curiosity and spiking my anxiousness to know what was beyond that desolate door. I placed my hand atop it and lingered, staring into the glossy white finish of the thick wood.

When the whistle of the wind sweeping through the crack shifted and stopped, I froze, and the air stilled like ice in my lungs. The rest of the hair on my body joined the hairs that had risen on the back of my neck. The prickle of each strand came alive on my skin. Goosebumps peppered my arm—my spirit attempting to warn me of some unknown threat or horror.

Cautious back-steps moved me away from the door, as if I needed to be careful not to disturb the something unknown that I’d wanted to be nosey about. Once I was a few feet away, I turned and walked away, but my curiosity had been piqued.

What was behind that door? What was Khane hiding?

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance