Page 19 of Twisted Minds

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Something I couldn’t identify sparked in her eyes at my statement. I’d always been a good puzzle solver. I could tell by studying her that she had some jagged parts and pieces that were never meant to be put back together. Hints of darkness peeked out from the veneer of innocence she presented.

People took in my appearance and assumed I was some dumb redneck biker, but I’d always been more inclined to learn and plan before I acted and I’d become a good problem solver and business negotiator as a result. I’d also become a predatory killer, one of my MC’s most dangerous weapons. Being this way has made me patient; patient enough to piece together a good puzzle, even one as complex as I suspected Megan was.

“I am going to download one of your books,” I blurted out.

A smile.

I’d finally put a smile on her beautiful face. Straight white teeth flashed in front of me and made her face even prettier than before. I tightened my lips to keep from returning the smile.

There was nothing that I’d noticed that I didn’t like about Megan. I liked the fact that she didn’t have to wear fancy clothes or spend hours on hair and makeup to look beautiful. Nature had taken care of everything where her beauty was concerned. Although she worked constantly, she always managed to look clean and smelled fresh. But not perfume-fresh, though. It was more like she kept fresh showers in her pocket.

My gaze fell to the small diamond studs in her earlobes and then moved to those long, flirty lashes that introduced the seduction hidden behind her eyelids that I wasn’t sure she was aware was there. The lushness of her full lips lured my gaze to her mouth. My gaze paused there before traveling down to her neck, which was not lost or sunken into her shoulders.

Her neck was long enough for me to wrap my hand around it comfortably to enable me to control several positions I’d like to put her in. The fluffy and bouncy texture of her curly dark hair was as flirty as those damn lashes.

My lips twitched at the roundness of her tits. By my eye’s measurements, they would fit perfectly into the palms of my hands. The tempting curve of her ass, that I’d eyeballed multiple times, was surely capable of taking a good pounding from the back. My eyes hadn’t missed that ass, not even the first time I’d seen her at the clubhouse.

Although I hadn’t seen her naked, I’d pieced together enough to know that her body was toned and sexy as fuck like she spent her free time working out when she wasn’t working for dangerous bikers.

She was sitting there watching me virtually undress her with my eyes. Unlike before, she didn’t seem bothered by it now. Her gaze followed my finger when I pointed at what appeared to be a scar on her arm, higher near her shoulder.

“What are those marks on your arm?” I asked, dropping my hand on the table to stop myself from reaching over to touch her.

“It’s a birth control device,” she said, glancing down at the spot I’d pointed out.

“That’s good. Smart. That way, if one of us raped you, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting pregnant.”

Her lids lifted to me, but she didn’t comment. I sat there and stared at her for a solid minute, trying to fill in the blanks of what she wasn’t telling me. My unflinching gaze finally made her fidget, and I don’t think it was because she was scared. She picked at the food left on her plate, avoiding my eyes.

She was hiding something, and I wanted to know what it was. I wasn’t going to stop until I figured her out. She was on my radar now, and I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing for Megan.

Unable to take my staring, she stood, gathered the rest of the dishes, and proceeded to wash them by hand despite my dishwasher. I remained at the table with a smile spread across my face. My beast was stirring, and he wanted to devour Megan in every way imaginable.

* * *

The light drumof my fingers against the table sounded as I scrutinized Megan and half listened to the music spilling from her phone. She’d finished the dishes, but to avoid me, she’d started wiping the countertop down, rubbing so hard she was about to take chunks of the granite with each swipe.

Standing, I intended to leave. All I had to do was step away from the table and head towards the living room, but her presence had drawn me in and kept me from leaving. I crept up behind Megan and invaded her personal space as she continued to pour her anxious energy into that countertop.

Her hand stopped moving the moment she realized I was close. She didn’t turn in my direction when I placed my hands on the counter on either side of her warm body and locked her in place. My nose sat above her curly ponytail, and I sniffed loud enough for the sound of my deep inhale to carry.

My nostrils flared, taking in the soft fruity scent she emitted. Her hair smelled of freshly plucked peaches. I dipped my nose closer to her neck and found that her skin smelled of chocolate covered strawberries. The soft, flowing scents mingled as they invaded my senses and caused me to close my eyes to savor them longer and deeper.

Her accelerated breathing over the low tunes I’d left playing on her phone in the background heightened my arousal. I inched closer and didn’t stop until my hard dick was pressed into the soft curve of her ass. She gasped at my invasion but didn’t push me away.

My body sank into her soft flowing curves. With my chest pressed into her heaving body, I placed my lips to her ear. “You’re out here in the middle of the woods alone with me. There is no one that can help you for miles around. No one can hear you if you scream. What would you do if I fucked you right now?”

Her breathing kicked up a notch, and I liked it. No, I loved it. The pulse in her neck jumped, straining to keep her heart from exploding, and I didn’t know if it was fear or arousal that caused her to react this way.

Her body heaved up and down against mine. Breath after noisy breath brought a spark of life to my kitchen that the music couldn’t, but she didn’t say a word. The movement of her body, however involuntary, made my dick harder, so hard, in fact, it was starting to ache. My lips brushed the tip of her earlobe, causing her to shiver as I sent more hot words into her ear.

“What would you do, Megan? Because I’m not going to lie to you. I want to fuck you right now.”

She turned her body around, rubbing her warmth against mine. The tremble in her limbs revealed that I was scaring the shit out of her. Despite her obvious fright, she managed to look up at me. Her words were low and shaky, but she had the courage to speak them.

“There’s not a thing I could do. It doesn’t matter that no one can hear me because no one around here would help me even if they did hear me screaming.”

My hands had grown heavy with an ache I’d never felt in them before. I peeled them from the counter, fighting not to do what I knew I shouldn’t—touch her. If I touched her right now, there was no telling what kind of rules I was subject to break.

Tags: Keta Kendric Erotic