Page 12 of Blood Empire

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“At least you’ve stopped acting like a brat when I come get you.”

“So you can just show up whenever the fuck you feel like it, and I can’t have anything to say about that?”

“What do you have to say about it?”


“Go on,” he insists. “Say it.”

“It’s bullshit,” I say. “And things don’t work like that anymore.”

“I said I wouldn’t show up every day unless something happened.” He glances at me sideways and then gives me a knowing smirk. “Are you feeling neglected?”

I cross my arms over my chest and glare out the windshield. “No.”

“I can pick you up every day if that’s what you want.”

“I don’t.”

“It’s okay to admit you want me,” he says. “After the way I blew your back out last Friday, no one could blame you.”

“Who says that was even about you?” I ask, smirking back at him. “Making out with Gloria that got me all worked up. She’s not into girls, so she wouldn’t go through with it. You just came along and finished me off for her.”

Royal’s hand lands on my thigh, and it’s all I can do not to squeeze my knees together. I force myself not to react. “Then I guess I owe her a thank-you card,” he says, sliding his hand slowly upwards. “She did all the work, but I’m the one who got to feel this sweet cunt milking my cock. Why don’t you invite her to join us again tonight?”

He slides his hand between my thighs, and I tense and draw a deep breath as his fingers skim the seam of my jeans. One touch and I’m just about panting and begging for more like a pathetic, dick-whipped idiot. But his warm hand electrifies me, sends hot tingles racing through my veins.

“So now you’re not jealous?” I ask, refusing to let him know the effect he has on me. “What happened to the ‘there will be no threesomes when you’re with me’ policy?”

“What’s there to be jealous of?” he asks. “It was my name on your tongue when you were gushing on my cock.”

“That’s because it turned me on to beat the shit out of you,” I say, fighting the urge to unzip my jeans and let him sink those long, beautiful fingers into me. I can feel myself getting wet at his touch, but I cling to my dignity with all I have. “I like seeing your face beaten to a pulp. Seeing you get what you had coming… That was hot.”

“Keep pretending if it helps you sleep at night,” he says, stroking the seam of my jeans until he must feel how damp they are.

I’m torn between slapping his hand away and knocking the smug grin off his face, and opening my legs and riding his hand until I cum. After so long without good sex, my body is screaming to let him remind me all over again. I can’t decide if I hate myself more for reacting or him for teasing. He tickles his little finger along my crease. “Did you shave for me, Cherry Pie? If you didn’t, go home and do it after school. I want you bare when I eat you out later.”

I jerk my knees away and push him back. “Who says you’ll be eating me out again? I told you, that was a mistake. It should never have happened, and just because I’m working on forgiveness, that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten what you did. Just because we fucked, that doesn’t mean we’re together.”

“Okay, Jailbird,” he says, pulling into my parking spot. “Whatever you say.”

“Ugh, I hate you,” I say, jumping down from the Range Rover and tugging at the knees of my jeans.

“I hate you, too,” he calls after me.

I slam the door in his face and walk away fuming.

I’m halfway across the lot when Gloria catches up to me, grabbing my elbow and linking her arm with mine. “What was that about?” she asks. “Are you back with Royal?”

“No,” I say. “Definitely not.”

“Hm, too bad,” she says. “I’m still rooting for y’all.”

“Even though Rylan dumped you?” I ask. “I’d think you’d be going after Royal yourself now. Seemed like it last Friday.”

“I told you, we’re just friends. And yes, sometimes we’re friends with benefits, but we don’t catch feelings. Y’all, though…”

“Are just friends, too,” I say firmly.

Tags: Selena Erotic