Page 39 of Boys Club

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“Riiight,” I say. “It’s fine if they run me off the road, so long as you get your casino.”

“I don’t tell you every detail of the business because I expect you to tell me when you’re going to make a move against the Darlings,” Dad grits out. “I sure as hell shouldn’t find out after the fact!”

“I wasn’t aware that you were making deals with the Darlings,” I say, my voice cold. “Any other Darlings under your protection now, or just Preston’s family?”

“Just that family,” he says, his voice equally devoid of emotion, almost a challenge. He’s breathing hard, but he stares me down, daring me to say otherwise.

“Need us to help?” Duke asks, checking with me instead of Dad.

“I’ll take care of it.” I push back from the table and stand toe to toe with Dad. “Anyone else’s ass you need me to lick while I’m out?”

“You know how this business works, Royal. We scratch their backs, they scratch ours. That means the Roses, the Montgomerys, the Becketts, and the Delacroixs.”

“They’re Darlings now,” I say quietly, looking down at the bastard who spawned me. I’m taller than him and a hell of a lot stronger, but he still pulls the strings. We’re all puppets in the macabre theater of this family.

“I don’t care who she married,” Dad snaps. “You can do whatever the fuck you want with your Darling playthings, but you don’t touch anyone with a drop of Delacroix blood in their veins. Capisce?”

“Yeah, Dad,” I say coolly.

I understand all too well.

Tags: Selena Erotic