Page 35 of Boys Club

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WHGossipgrrl: y don’t u ask him?

BadApple: lol

WHGossipgrrl: I’m not the one 2 ask 4 tea on Royal

BadApple: let me guess. U must mean Gloria n her golden pussy

WHGossipgrrl: Lo is good ppl

BadApple: I kno. Just being jealous bitch

WHGossipgrrl: I know a thing or 2 abt that

I get up and pace. I need info, and now is not the time to be proud. I go to the fridge, but it’s empty as usual. I find a packet of ramen noodles in the cabinet and sit down at the computer again, tearing open the plastic and gnawing on the crunchy noodles before going in again.

BadApple: hey lo

ThatsLo: whats up?

BadApple: Do u know about the boys swan tats?

ThatsLo: I’ve seen them

BadApple: u know what they r right?

ThatsLo: what do u kno?

BadApple: That they’re in a secret society called the Midnight Swans.

ThatsLo: that’s all I kno

BadApple: Is royal in?

ThatsLo: oc

BadApple: y doesn’t he have the tat?

ThatsLo: idk y don’t u ask him?

That’s the second person to tell me that. Of course Royal won’t tell me anything, but he’s probably going to find out I was digging for information on him, anyway. I might as well ask. He and Gloria are buddies, after all, possibly fuck buddies. And I know better than anyone that pillow talk is the only kind of talking Royal Dolce does.

Suddenly, I wonder if he cums with her now that I’ve “fixed” him, and it makes me see red. I swear, I like this chick, but if she’s fucking Royal, I can’t be held responsible for what I’ll do.

BadApple: thx I’ll do that.

ThatsLo: want 2 go to the mall?

BadApple: lol wut?

ThatsLo: u know. Shopping?

BadApple: do ppl still go to malls?

ThatsLo: didn’t u hear? they’re going out of business. Everything’s on sale!

BadApple: the whole mall is going out of business?

ThatsLo: yes!

Tags: Selena Erotic