Page 33 of Boys Club

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BadApple: Yep

WHGossipgrrl: Wanna b 1 of my sources?

BadApple: like a snitch?

WHGossipgrrl: no silly

WHGossipgrrl: like u get 2 give me ur perspective

BadApple: it was mayhem n madness as per usual

WHGossipgrrl: heard u n Royal were fucking like bunnies on every surface

BadApple: omg dixie. Not even.

WHGossipgrrl: that’s y I thot u might want 2 give ur side

BadApple: we r 17

WHGossipgrrl: everyone’s 17

BadApple: ok… I’m 17 n he’s Royal Dolce. Isn’t it self-explanatory?

WHGossipgrrl: What does it explain?

BadApple: no comment

WHGossipgrrl: lol

BadApple: r u giving me shit?

WHGossipgrrl: no. I dish, don’t judge.

BadApple: bullshit

WHGossipgrrl: is that all?

BadApple: off the record. R u mad abt me n R?

WHGossipgrrl: no. I get it. I was the same way abt Colt. Starstruck. Dick-whipped.

BadApple: I’m not dick whipped

WHGossipgrrl: ok.

WHGossipgrrl: just after what he did 2 Colt. I thot u were friends.

Guilt gnaws inside me. She’s right. I’m a fucking traitor.I’m in too deep. I’m drowning in it—in Royal, and my obligation to Mr. D, and my own promise to get revenge. I wanted it for something he did to Colt, but if I’m truly honest with myself, my feelings for Royal have eclipsed my friendship with Colt by a long shot. But I can’t forget what he did to me, that he released that video even after I let him use me like a fucking whore. I have to keep telling myself that even when it’s good, I can’t believe it. Even if I forgave him for the video, he taught me a very important lesson that day: he cannot be trusted.

BadApple: I am friends w Colt. But don’t tell me u could resist the D boys. Look at them. They have everything. Power. Money. Beauty. Danger.

WHGossipgrrl: I prefer guys like Colt

BadApple: lol

WHGossipgrrl: what? U think I’m saying that 2 save face bc they don’t want me?

BadApple: no. I think u like a tatted up bad boy with a tortured soul n demons in his past

Tags: Selena Erotic