Page 20 of Boys Club

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ThatsLo: What did he do?

BadApple: Basically wudnt take no 4 an answer

ThatsLo: oh yeah. They never do, do they?

BadApple: have u fucked them all?

ThatsLo: off the record?

BadApple: I’m not Dixie. Lips r sealed.

ThatsLo: yes

I try not to care about that, not to feel the stab of jealousy and betrayal. Royal and Lo are friends, and they live in the same neighborhood, and they fucked. Or still fuck, I don’t know. Not like he told me we were exclusive or anything. In fact, the opposite. He told me he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. Even when I told him we’d be safe if we weren’t with other people, he didn’t really answer. Even if he had, I don’t trust that asshole in the slightest.

ThatsLo: u ok? I thot u knew

BadApple: I did. Assumed anyway

ThatsLo: they were pretty savage 2 us when we started last year. But then it just stopped 1 day, no explanation, nothing.

BadApple: did they apologize?

ThatsLo: lol

ThatsLo: no

ThatsLo: not their style. They’ll never apologize, so don’t expect it

BadApple: u 4gave anyway?

ThatsLo: yeah

ThatsLo: we were in their crowd, y’know? At the top. Worth it 2 us. They never rly got done and kicked us 2 the curb, so don’t b afraid he’ll do that when he’s done messing w u. The twins still do the booty call thing every now n then, but it’s not the same as it was. Like, they were strait up barbarians 2 us at 1st

BadApple: u said no?

ThatsLo: tbh don’t remember. But u can’t do that. It doesn’t work. They take what they want. Better 2 just have fun n don’t expect anything.

I swallow hard, my throat aching. A tremor goes through my thumb as I type an answer.

BadApple: idk how 2 do that

ThatsLo: idk maybe it was different 4 us

BadApple: how?

ThatsLo: idk it just was. Royal is like… fixated on u.

BadApple: lucky me

ThatsLo: it is lucky. He doesn’t do that. Ever. Be careful, k? of both of u.

BadApple: thx

ThatsLo: Speak of the devil… gg. He’s here.

BadApple: at ur house?

Tags: Selena Erotic