Page 17 of Boys Club

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“Still has an answer.”

“An ass like that is built for pounding,” he says. “Otherwise, it’s a waste.”

“Sorry that to your warped mind, the way a girl’s body is built somehow leads you to misinterpret it as wanting a dick in the ass,” I say. “But it’s not happening.”

“Oh, it’s happening,” he says. “Sorry that to your tiny mind, the way I’ve treated you somehow leads you to believe you get a say in when and where and how I fuck you. You’re a Dolce girl. Your one purpose is to bend over and let me use whichever of your three holes I feel like filling with cum. I don’t give a fuck if you want it, or like it, or get down on your knees and beg for it. You’re my plaything. Every inch of your body, inside and out, is mine to do whatever I want with. And tonight, I’m going to cum balls deep in that big, beautiful ass.”

“Then I guess I’m resigning.”

Royal laughs at that, but it’s a cold, bitter sound. “You can’t resign from being a Dolce girl any more than you can choose to become one.”

I swallow hard, considering what he’ll do if I jump out of the moving car. “And if I fight?” I ask.

“Then you know what happens,” he says, his voice casual, almost bored. He’s not threatening. He’s stating a fact.

“So, because you’re bigger and stronger, you’ll take what you want by force if I won’t give it?”

“No, see, I don’t have to take anything,” he says. “I already have it. I own you, Apple. Your ass is mine every night. I can do whatever I want to it, and tonight, I’m going to fuck it. How much you enjoy it is up to you.”

Maybe I do have a tiny mind, like he said, because instead of obediently rolling over, the moment the car pulls to a stop at the bridge, I jump out and run. I’m a fighter. It’s in my blood. I don’t have it in me to submit to what I don’t want without even trying.

I run for the bridge. I know the water’s deep enough to jump.

But Royal’s faster. I hear his heavy footfalls on the wooden planks behind me, and then his hand is in my hair. I jerk to a halt, my scalp burning where his hand wrenched my hair. He wraps his other arm around my middle, pulling my head back against his shoulder. “That was really fucking stupid, Harper,” he growls in my ear.

I try to stomp his arch, but he picks me up, carrying me forward across the bridge as I kick and claw and spit, adrenaline fueling me. When we reach the other side, he releases me, shoving me forward onto the bank where old tire tracks gouged the mud, now covered in dead grass for winter. I fall intentionally, rolling down the bank instead of trying to keep my feet and pick my way down. I hear Royal cursing above me, but a second later, he bounds down and grabs me, dragging me to a stop again.

He jumps onto me, straddling my hips, his knees caging my ribs the way they did Colt before he beat him nearly to death. I got complacent, got comfortable, for just a minute. I let my guard down, let myself believe all the blissful evenings of orgasms meant something to him just because they meant something to me. I’m just like my mother, addicted to the high of a man, drunk on the orgasms. And now I pay for that weakness.

Adrenaline spikes through my blood, and I get in one good left hook before Royal grabs both my hands in one of his.

“Guess my little whore doesn’t want to enjoy it at all,” he growls, leaning over me, breathing hard, his eyes flashing. I can already see his cheek darkening where I clocked him, and I’m fucking glad it’ll leave a mark.

“Get off me,” I growl, trying to wrench my hands free.

He spits a mouthful of blood into my face. It sprays over my cheeks and into my mouth and eyes, and for a second, I’m too shocked to react.

“Now,” he says, his hand tightening on my wrists until my fingers start to go numb. He reaches down and drags his cock out the front of his pants. “I’ll give you one chance to get it wet before I put it in dry. I think you can guess what happens if I feel your teeth.”

“I’ll end up a toothless whore?” I shoot back at him, an edge of taunting in my voice.

“See, you’re smart enough to know that, but you couldn’t figure out that fighting back would only make it worse for you. It makes no difference to me. Fucking your virgin ass will feel just as good whether you’re begging for more or begging me to stop.”

“I don’t beg.”

“Good,” he says, kneeling up over me. “Pathetic bitches do nothing for me. Now use that mouth for something that’s going to help you, not hurt you.”

He pushes his cock against my lips, and it’s all I can do not to bite the fuck out of it. But I know I can’t bite it off before he knocks me out, and I’m not about being thrown in the river to drown while I’m unconscious. I open my lips, and he pumps into my mouth a few times, his hand around the base of his cock so he can pull back fast if I get any ideas.

When he’s nice and wet from my mouth, he sits back. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Not hard at all,” I say with a smirk. “Almost flaccid.”

“Judging from your reaction, I’m going to guess you’ve never taken it in the ass before,” he says. “Be a good girl, and I’ll be gentle. Be a brat, and I’ll fuck you like one. Got it?”

I clench my teeth and glare up at him, wanting nothing more than to knock his fucking teeth out.

“Now, turn over, pull up your skirt, and spread that juicy ass for me the way you spread your pussy.”

Tags: Selena Erotic