Page 29 of Brutal Boy

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Harper Apple

BadApple: I think its time we meet

MrD: You do, huh?

BadApple: Yes

MrD: And why is that?

BadApple: We both want the same thing.

MrD: I knew you liked older men.

Barf. I fight the urge to write back something snarky or ask if he’s seen the video. It’s probably left the confines of Willow Heights by now.

BadApple: Do men rly only think about sex 24/7?

MrD: Closer to 23/7.

BadApple: Good 2 kno.

MrD: What about you, Harper? Do you think about sex a lot?

BadApple: As much as the next girl

MrD: Do you touch yourself when you think about it?

My skin gets crawly, and I shake my hands out, trying not to gag as I picture some old guy like Mr. Behr leering at his phone screen with one hand down his pants. But I suck it up and dive in.

BadApple: As much as the next girl

MrD: Do you think about me while you touch yourself?

BadApple: I’m not having chat-sex w u right now

MrD: But you will later?

BadApple: Depends

MrD: On what?

BadApple: u told me u like negotiations. Whats in it 4 me?

MrD: If we could send pictures on this app, I’d show you.

Does he really think I want a dick pic? Gross. But I have to play my cards right, and flirting with an online creeper isn’t the worst I’ve done to get what I want.

BadApple: What if u showed me in person?

MrD: Greedy little thing, aren’t you?

BadApple: Cut the bs. You want 2 take down the Dolces. I want 2 take down the Dolces. Lets work together n get it done instead of playing games.

MrD: I like how you put it all out there, Harper. Not a great move in a business negotiation, but I respect the direct approach in a woman who knows what she wants and will do whatever is necessary to get it.

BadApple: So…?

Tags: Selena Erotic