Page 74 of Bad Apple

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WHGossipGrrl: lol

BadApple: After party?

WHGossipgrrl: mostly ppl just break off into their own groups now

WHGossipgrrl: I’m going to go to Quinn’s. We’re making cake pops if u wanna join!

BadApple: lol thx. Was thinking something a little more… Clandestine

WHGossipgrrl: Ooh clandestine. Me likes!

BadApple: Know where the D boys go?

WHGossipgrrl: They don’t stay 2 long at the parties. No one knows where they go.

BadApple: Thx. Have fun baking!

WHGossipgrrl: Have fun hunting the D

She adds a winky face emoji, and I smile to myself even though that led to a dead end. I have to stop myself from asking if they left alone. She didn’t say anything that indicated they left with someone, so I’m going to pretend Royal’s not partaking in their orgy tonight.

I should give up, but I’m wired. I scroll through myOnlyWordsapp about ten times, a crazy idea forming in my head. What if I don’t rely on someone else to tell me how to find them? I mean, they already think I’m an obsessed stalker. What do I have to lose?

BadApple: sry 2 bother again. Do u know any of their msg handles?

WHGossipgrrl: @ Royal

I stand there staring at my screen for a minute, trying not to analyze what it means that she sent me Royal’s contact only. Am I that transparent? Or is that the only one she knows? Why does she know it at all? Does she message him? Has he already slept with her, and that’s why he lets her thing with Colt go on?

And am I really going to do this crazy thing?

But what’s the worst that can happen? He’ll tell me to go fuck myself right in my trash pussy, that’s what. Nothing he hasn’t said before.

Still, I can’t make my heart stop pounding when I hit send.

BadApple: whats up

I stand there for a good five minutes, cursing myself and wishing there was an un-send button. Wishing I hadn’t been so fucking stupid. He’s going to think I’m a stage five clinger and desperate and pathetic and…

Everything he already thinks about me, I remind myself. It’s not like I ever had the upper hand. So what if he doesn’t answer? Did I really expect him to?

Royal: Sorry babe. Not home. Can’t run a train on u tonite

Before I can answer, another avatar pops up in our chat.

BaronNotTrump: IDK Dad might be home ; )

DukeOfBeavertown: She does love an old wrinkle dick

Guess we’re all here. I remember Duke on his phone while the blonde serviced him, and I imagine him going about texting me while his dick is buried in some poor girl. She’d still be less pathetic than me right now.

Then an idea pops into my head. A train…

The first time I met these guys, they were down in the empty railyard. Why would they be there except to do something illegal? Presumably they weren’t looking for girls blowing teachers in cars. They just happened upon us.

BadApple: r u there?

Royal: yeah what do u need

Tags: Selena Erotic