Page 73 of Bad Apple

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Instructions for Destruction

First you take out the heir

(What’s a kingdom without an heir?)

Then you take the head

So he can’t replace the heir.

All is fair.

You move on to the branches

Shearing away each member one by one

Before you strip away the purpose—

Jobs and passions, love and football.

You want it all.

Now you have time to savor the heart

To drill down deep and draw it out

Sucking the sweet sap from it

Wringing it dry before discarding it.

No regrets.

When the family tree has been cut

You burn the stump

And then you start to trace the roots

So it can never regrow.

Call it weed control.


BadApple: Hey, I’m looking for something to do tonight. Anything going on?

WHGossipGrrl: little late to start looking!

BadApple: had something earlier

WHGossipGrrl: DeShaun’s party was tonight but Dolces left so it’s pretty much over.

BadApple: srsly? Ppl only go to see if they’ll show up?

WHGossipGrrl: Um yeah

BadApple: sad

Tags: Selena Erotic