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“You’ve been watching me fuck other girls?” I ask, smirking at her. “You really are kinky.”

She smirks right back at me. “Like I’m nothing. At first, I thought that’s what it was. Just another notch on your bedpost.”

“Who says you’re not?”

“You did,” she says, leaning up toward me, laying a hand on my chest. I can tell she’s fucking with me now, but I can’t extricate myself from the spiderwebs she’s weaving. “You said it wasn’t personal. That I was just a pawn in your game to get back at my brothers. My brothers took your parking spot. So you wrecked Royal’s car. He wrecked yours. So you wrecked me.”

I scowl at her. “So?”

I wait, hating that I’m hanging on her every word like I’m the fucking dog here.

She wets her lips, her little pink tongue darting out and making me wonder what it would feel like on my cock. Maybe I just need to keep fucking her until I get it out of my system, because it sure as hell hasn’t gotten any better since I fucked her a second time. And this time, I know she’s doing it intentionally, that she’s every bit as calculating in this moment as any other girl who’s tried to lay a trap for me or one of my family. But fuck if I’ll let her do what no one else has managed to do.

“So, everyone in this town knows how much you loved that car,” she murmurs. “It was your most prized possession. If my virginity was worth your car, then you must think I’m worth a fortune, Devlin Darling.”

I jerk my hand away from her arm. I hate this girl, the plotting little snake. This is a girl I have no problem destroying. I want to destroy her, to erase her, to bring her back to the girl she is when I’m inside her, the girl who whimpers helplessly with need. That’s where she belongs—on her back, begging for my cock to wreck her. This girl… This girl is one who needs to be broken, put in her place.

“You’re not worth shit,” I say. “You couldn’t even get someone to fuck you for a ride back to school.”

“I didn’t have to,” she says, that conniving smirk all over her lips. “I’m not a whore, despite your best efforts to make everyone believe otherwise by telling everyone what happens between us. You want to call me trashy, but you’re the one who goes around talking about what we do behind closed doors. All the money in the world can’t make that anything other than what it is—low class.”

“Says the girl who let me fuck her in a public bathroom.”

“Says the boy who dragged me in there to fuck,” she shoots back.

“I didn’t drag you in there to fuck,” I say. “I wanted to talk to you.”

“Deny it all you want, but there were two people in that bathroom who wanted it,” she says. “I didn’t hear you telling me to get lost.”

She’s really pushing my limits, and I don’t handle that well. Maybe I’ve got anger issues, but she knows it, and she’s provoking me. She’s about to learn what happens when she pokes the beast. I step forward and grab her by the back of her neck, pulling her close enough that our noses almost touch. “I’ve told you to get lost, but you just keep coming back like a fucking cockroach,” I say. “So let me make it clear one more time. You’re not welcome. Your family is not welcome. We don’t want you here. And I don’t want you, period.”

Crystal’s hand wraps around my dick, and I suck in a breath. “Could have fooled me,” she whispers.

“Yeah, I’m a guy, and you’re a hole,” I say, stroking my nose along hers. “That doesn’t mean I want you. I only fucked you because my grampa was busy that day.”

She tries to draw back, but I clamp my hand tighter around the back of her neck, keeping her in place. “What does that mean?” she demands, her playfulness gone.

Good. I knew she’d break first.

“He would have fucked you himself, but he had something better to do that night,” I tell her. “So I did him a favor.”

She wriggles around, and for a minute, we wrestle for control. She arches her back so her tits press right up against my chest, and I lose my concentration. Then she twists sideways and ducks under my hand, spinning away from me. “What the fuck, Devlin,” she says, her hair all messed up from her escape, her eyes wild and her breaths coming in quick little puffs in the early November night. “You think I’d hook up with yourgrampa?”

I shrug. “If he wanted you.”

“You’re disgusting,” she says, spitting the words at me like bits of ice from a wintery sky.

“I told you it wasn’t personal,” I say, tucking my hands in my pockets like I don’t want to reach out and touch her flushed face, run my fingers through her chocolate mane, smother her smart mouth with mine. “I didn’t even choose you. It was just a job. You should know all about those, if you’re the mafia princess you claim to be. Call it a hit. And trust me, Sugar, I might have enjoyed hitting that, but it was never payment for my car. Your ass wouldn’t buy a tank of gas for my car.”



I’m so mad I can’t think straight. I can’t think at all. I just turn and run because I know if I don’t, I’m going to explode. Devlin’s voice cuts through the night, a sharp command, but I don’t stop. The next second, I hear his footsteps behind me, quick and light as he races after me like I intercepted the ball. But this isn’t a game. Not anymore. There’s too much at stake.

Devlin’s hand closes around my upper arm, yanking me to a stop so fast I whip around and without thinking, strike him. My palm stings across his cheek, and Devlin’s head snaps back. His eyes widen, and I cringe backwards, expecting a blow in return. Instead, he grabs me and wrenches me to him, his mouth smashing down on mine. For one second, I let myself have what I want so much, more than anything in the world.

And then reality crashes over me. What he’s done to me, said to me, burns through the fog in my mind, stinging through my veins like acid.

Tags: Selena Willow Heights Prep Academy: The Elite Dark