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“No, they don’t,” I whisper, going up on tiptoes so my lips can brush along his jawline. “But that’s not all. I want to thank you for showing me exactly how much it meant to you.” I drop back to flat feet, turn, and walk to the dresser. I know I’m playing a dangerous game with a dangerous man, but I’m in too deep to walk away now. I was already playing the game, long before I knew it. At least now I know that I’m part of it.

And what can he do to me now? Throw me down and fuck me? He already did that. Hurt someone I love? Done and done. He made an irreparable mistake by taking away the only thing I had to lose.

Just as I reach the dresser, his hand wraps around my elbow, spinning me to face him. Damn he’s quiet, stalking like a predator instead of clomping around like an elephant like my brothers do, always wanting people to know when they’re coming. Devlin’s sneaky as fuck. He pushes me back against my dresser until I’m leaning backwards just so our faces won’t collide. I’m afraid if I let them, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. Devlin is the devil himself, sly and sneaky, and irresistible. He slides a hand up to the front of my throat, lifting my chin and staring back at me, his eyes blazing.

“Don’t try to fuck with me,” he growls, not touching me except for that one menacing hand wrapped around my throat like a warning. “You won’t walk away from that game a winner.”

“Choking’s not going to work on me, big shot,” I say. “Apparently I like that shit.”

His fingers tighten a fraction, and my traitorous body shivers with desire.

Whoredom confirmed.

“You do, don’t you?” he asks with a smirk, leaning closer, his nose brushing gently across mine, his grip just tight enough that it’s hard to swallow. I want him crushed up against me, slamming into me like he did before. The tease is too much for me, and I nearly swoon into him.

There’s no use denying his words, so I try to nod. He’s holding my head back, so I can’t move my chin, but I drop my gaze to his lips. His tongue slides out to wet the seam of his lips, and my core trembles at the memory of that tongue in more intimate places. He hooks his free hand around the back of my thigh and slides it up… Up. My breath catches. He stops when his fingers brush my ass. The sensitive skin sings at the touch of his warm, rough hand.

I close my eyes and inhale his intoxicating scent, almost hidden behind the clean, soapy smell of his skin in the morning. I want to fucking eat this boy.

“Are you wet?” he purrs, his voice low and silky, doing things to my body that I can’t prevent. His lips brush against mine, then follow my jawline back toward my ear. Chills explode through every inch of me, and there’s no use denying that I’m aroused. He’s going to feel it in a minute, anyway. I drop my head back, my lids fluttering as Devlin’s nose brushes my ear, his lips teasing, his hot breath caressing my neck. I sigh and arch up, but he sways back, keeping our bodies separated by a just enough space to make me want to scream in frustration.

“Yes,” I whisper, my hands rising to wrap around his thick biceps. “I’m wet.”

God, those big, muscular, farm-boy arms. How did he get muscles like this?

“Then you’d better clean that shit up,” his murmuring voice taunts against the side of my throat. “No one likes the smell of wet dog.”

My eyes snap open, and heat rushes to my face. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I press my palms to his chest, trying to push him away, clear my head of the intoxicating, toxic effect he has on me. Instead, it makes me notice the hardness of his chest as he presses forward, his body meeting mine at last, when I no longer want it.

“Sugar, don’t forget this,” he says. “I could have you if I wanted you. But I don’t.” His voice turns cold, but I’m not so easily fooled. I can feel his hard cock pressing against my belly.

“Liar.” His mind may not want this any more than I do, and his heart may be even colder and blacker than mine, but his body… His body wants it as much as mine does.

“You think you’re the first whore who creamed her panties for us and thought that meant we felt the same? You’re common, Crystal. Pathetic just like every other dog begging for a bone.”

I shove at his chest again, but he doesn’t even budge. “Fuck you, Devlin Darling,” I say, my voice nearly cracking.

Devlin chuckles and leans closer again, forcing my eyes to his riveting blue gaze. He speaks slowly, the smirk never leaving his lips. “Not… Even… If… You… Beg.”

“Then what are you here for?” I demand.

“Not for your cunt, as sweet as it is,” he says, opening a drawer and tossing me a T-shirt. “Now stop stalling and let’s get the fuck out of here. This place gives me the creeps.”

“Me, too,” I say. “Maybe it’s because there’s a creeper standing in my room.”

“You have thirty seconds to get some pants on before I take you as you are.”

I yank on a pair of sweats, wishing I had a pair of ugly, stained, baggy ones to hide my curves. But my mother would never allow me such a luxury. Even my sweats are designer brand, fitted to my ass, and stylish. According to Mom, it’s important to look cute at all times. After all, you never know when someone at the gym will snap a pic, or a friend will want a selfie while lounging in my room during a sleepover.

Thirty seconds later, we’re climbing out my window. “Is this how you got in?” I ask as we start along the veranda toward the front stairs. This guy’s got balls. He’s not even climbing up the trellis. Nope, he waltzed right up the front steps and along the side of the house to reach my window.

He doesn’t answer, but I guess I don’t really need him to. There’s no way in hell he went in the front door past my family. He keeps hold of me and hurries me down the set of stairs that swoops up the front of the house to the second-floor balcony.

“Is this how you kidnapped Royal?” I ask, yanking to free myself.

“Don’t be stupid,” Devlin answers, arriving at the bottom of the stairs.

Tags: Selena Willow Heights Prep Academy: The Elite Dark