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I yank at my wrist anyway, making him squeeze even tighter, until I’m wincing with the pain. “You’re all fucking cowards,” I growl. “That’s how I know you kidnapped my brother. You can’t just fight him like a regular bunch of punks. Because you’re scared. You’re scared of them, and you’re scared of me.”

Devlin smirks, keeping his cool even as I blow apart in front of him. “I’m scared of you?” he asks, his eyes shining with amusement.

“That’s right,” I say. “You’re afraid of someone challenging the status quo, taking your place. But instead of fighting like a real man, you play dirty.”

“All’s fair,” Devlin drawls, his voice all honey and seduction.

“Yeah, well, maybe you should fight my brothers like real men instead of tying up a girl and parading her around to show your power. All that does is make you look weak. Too scared to face my brothers, and too weak to defeat them without going after their little sister.”

Devlin’s eyes narrow, and he gives me a long, calculating look. He glances around, then drags me down the hall and pushes me into the girls’ bathroom. “Go on,” he demands.

“Figure it out yourself, dumbass,” I shoot back.

Devlin gives me one look, then grabs me by the throat. “You like to run that pretty mouth, so run it, or I’m going to think of something else to do with it.”

“Fuck you, Devlin,” I manage as his fingers cut into the sides of my neck. I grip his hand, adrenaline charging through my veins.

“Been there, done that,” Devlin says, his grip tightening as he gives me a little shake. “Now talk.”

“Fine. It took three of you and a knife to get a girl half your size to do what you wanted,” I say, spitting the bitter words at him. “You wanted to humiliate me, and you did. Of course I was fucking humiliated. You treated me like an animal. But you’re the animal. You’re the one who should be humiliated. Every one of my brothers is ten times the man you’ll ever be.”

Devlin pushes me backwards, and I suck in a deep breath of air, my lungs grateful of the lack of restriction. “Your brothers are nothing but thugs,” he says. “You want to talk about playing dirty, why don’t you look a little closer at your own family ties?”

“Don’t you dare question my brothers’ character after what you did to me,” I say, stepping forward and shoving Devlin, hard.

He stumbles back, a look of surprise flickering across his features. He whips out a hand and grabs me, shoving me against the sink. His fingers wrap around my throat again, bringing his face so close that I have to close my eyes to keep from seeing the hatred burning in his eyes.

“If you ever disrespect me like that again, see what happens,” he growls against my lips. I can’t tell if it’s a threat or a dare, but my knees go weak with fear at the menace in his voice.

“Let me go,” I whisper.

“When I’m ready,” he says, his head tilting, his hips pushing me back against the sink. Suddenly, all I can feel is the thick ridge in his slacks, and fear spikes through me along with an erotic charge. He’s hard. Fuck. I’m still sore from three days ago.

I grip the edge of the cold porcelain behind me, fumbling for a weapon, but there’s nothing. I reach up and grip his wrist, digging my nails into his skin. Devlin sucks in a breath and rocks his hips against mine. “Make no mistake,” he whispers. “If you put hands on me, I’ll put mine all over you. And not just your pretty face.”

“Stop,” I gasp, struggling to free myself.

When I open my eyes, Devlin’s gaze is on mine, blazing with lust that’s close to madness. My core throbs with heat at his gaze, and my head spins with dizziness from his hand choking off my air.

“Not until I’ve got you down on all fours, reaching back to spread yourself open for me, begging like a dog for me to plow your tight, wet cunt.”

“Never,” I manage, my core trembling with fear at his words even as my body obeys, and wetness springs to life between my thighs. I’m so confused by the sensations running through me, pain that brings pleasure, terror that turns me on, that I can’t decide if I want to kiss him or kill him.

Devlin’s fingers tighten on my throat, and his lips caress mine. “Tell me you don’t want my bare cock buried balls deep inside your sweet little snatch.”

“You said you didn’t want it,” I point out, desperate to keep my wits about me, grasping for straws. “Why should I want it if you don’t?”

“I never said that.”

“You said you’d ruin me for other guys,” I remind him. “That you’ve already been there, done that.”

“I want to ruin you,” he growls, releasing my neck and burying his hand in my hair, yanking my head back. “I want to wreck you, body and soul. Every fucking day until there’s nothing left to ruin.”

I reach up with both hands, gripping his wrist and trying to free my hair. He pulls harder, until I cry out with pain. Devlin wrenches his belt free, shoving his pants down over his hips.

“Stop,” I gasp. “You’re hurting me.”

He jerks my dress up around my waist and wrenches my underwear free of my body, ripping them off without bothering to push them down. His cock throbs huge and hot and wild against my trembling thighs. He yanks my knees apart and drives upward with one quick, sharp thrust, burying himself inside me.

Tags: Selena Willow Heights Prep Academy: The Elite Dark