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Katie, the girl I have been waiting for all my life, the one I want to become my wife one day. The one I want to have kids with. The one whom I have so few chances to be with. She doesn't know me yet but has already seen the worst of me.

These thoughts somehow wake me up, and I turn to face her. When she looks at me, she gasps loudly at what she sees, as terrified as if she’d seen a monster. And she's right: I am a monster, a devil this innocent girl would have better never met.

And then she starts running.

Chapter Six


The fear inside of me grows incredibly with every step I make. I wish it was just a dream—a nightmare I'll wake up from in a couple of seconds—but it's all for real, and the tears begin dripping from my eyes from despair as I run into the dark forest next to the motel.

Could that happen for real, or did I imagine things? Could Raphael have those red eyes and fangs, or is it only in my imagination? Because after I saw his incredible power and speed, now I can't be sure of anything.

No, it was dark, but I definitely saw his transformed face when he faced me. And it wasn't normal. Who is this man? Or to be more precise, what is he? Can he really be the creature I think he is?

The moment I think about it, I feel a strong arm wrap around my waist, and I scream as loudly as I can out of fear when I realize that it only took a couple of seconds for Raphael to catch me.

We're not that far inside the forest. Is there a chance for someone to save me? I scream again, looking around wildly.

Who am I fooling? This town is so tiny that even if I was screaming on the main street after midnight, nobody would come out to help me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," he says calmly with a low voice, holding me tightly, pressing my body to his.

I'm trying to get out of his tight grip, even though I know it's impossible: I saw what he did with those men. No way am I gonna hurt him enough to make him let me go.

And still, I'm trying, pushing him and hitting with all of my strength, trying to hit him with my head, and even trying to bite him, no matter how pathetic it is.

"Stop it, you're gonna hurt yourself." He raises his voice to make me come to my senses, but I'm so desperate that I can't think clearly.

I know that if he wanted to kill me, he would have already done it, but what if he wants to keep me captive and use me for something else?

Raphael grabs me in his arms, and I feel my legs lift off the ground, hanging in the air. And then he turns me around—flips me in his hands, to be precise, so quickly it’s as if I'm weightless—and presses my body to a tree.

When I see his face, I hold my breath. And not because it looks scary; rather the opposite: I recognize the man who opened the door to his home that day. No fangs, no red eyes, nothing that could've scared anyone who sees him. It's just a man, a strong one, holding me in his arms, trying to calm me down.

"Stop it, or I'll tie you," he threatens, but it doesn’t sound scary at all, more like concern. "I'm not gonna let anyone ever hurt you, even yourself."

His words are sharp but clear, and I can't help but start breathing again. I stop fighting with him right away.

I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you...he just said, looking deeply into my eyes with those grey ones. He's dangerous, rough,different, but why then do I believe him? And why do I feel like I was waiting for him to say that for all my life?

"Do you understand?" he asks, calmer, our gazes holding. I am barely breathing from how fast I was running, while he is breathing calmly, as if nothing happened, still holding me in the air like I was a feather.

I nod in response, looking intently into his grey eyes, so deep that it feels like I could drown in them. How the hell does this man manage to stay so attractive while being so scary?

My lips part when I want to ask him what he is doing here because it wasn't a coincidence. He was stalking me for a reason. But I do not dare say a word; my mouth gets dry and closes and then opens again.

Raphael lowers his gaze to my parted lips, and I feel his chest tighten, pressing against mine, squeezing me harder with those strong hands.

My heart is trying to pop out of my chest, but not from fear anymore. I lower my gaze from his eyes to his lips, and the moment I do, Raphael presses his lips to mine.

A scorchingly hot pleasure hits me from the tips of my lips and spreads all over my body, covering me entirely in this satisfaction. It's that thunder again, the painful but pleasurable stroke that hits me hard but, for some reason, only makes me want more.

His lips are warm and soft as they start moving, sucking my mouth into his, slowly but confidently, tasting one lip after another, sucking them with so much desire as if he had been waiting to do it for years.

Raphael's firm chest rubs against my breasts, and I don't even know when I managed to dig my fingers into his hair, massaging his head, running my fingers through his silky, thick hair as our mouths continue exploring each other. The pleasure inside of me grows with every second.

He helps me lift my swaying legs up and wrap them around his body, and then he presses me even harder to the tree and enters my mouth with his tongue to explore me even more profoundly.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Paranormal