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I have already found a new job for her, and she'll receive an offer tomorrow. Until then, I’ve decided not to bother her anymore, stalking her silently from afar. Because since the first time I saw her, my primary purpose in life has been to become her protector.

Katie just finished her shift, waving to her co-workers and walking out of the pub to her old, small car, which barely works. I have already ordered a new one for her, but I can’t present it to her just now. She doesn’t know me well enough yet, and I don't want her to freak out or think that I want something from her in exchange for that car.

But the truth is that I wanteverythingfrom her. I exhale loudly, my body aching with need. I close my eyes and dream about Katie in my arms. The desire inside of me grows with every second, and I roar in pain. Luckily, my car is soundproof, or my roar would be heard over a thousand miles away.

When I open my eyes, I see that jerk in a plain shirt walking from the corner of the building.

He was waiting for her.

I clench my teeth, my insides burning with rage, and dig my fingers into the wheel, stopping myself from running over there right now and ripping him into pieces.

"Hey, sweetie, where do you think you're going?" I do not hear him through the closed soundproof window, but I know lip-reading, and luckily a vampire's sight is even better than the owls in the night.

Wait, just wait,I tell myself, even though it's hard for me to simply observe the situation. I want tocontrolit.

Katie doesn't respond to him, rushing to the car and getting into it quickly.

Yes, that's right, ride away, princess,I say to myself, even though my gut knows that it's not going to be that simple.

"Hey, I don't want to hurt you," he continues and follows her, knocking on the window.

She tries to start the engine, but her damn car isn't working. I see the panic on her face and get out of my car. I guess it's time to finally show up.

Neither of them see me since I stay too far away for a human eye to notice. But I see them perfectly, and, unlike a human, I could reach them in a couple of seconds.

"We'll give you more than you earn in that shitty pub." Another man is coming around the corner, and then I see others in the shadow at a distance. The whole company of five men is attacking my sweet girl.

I guess staying hidden is not an option anymore.

He reaches to open Katie's driver's door, but I push him away, and he falls onto the ground.

"Where the hell did he come from?" I hear one of them say with concern.

For humans, my appearance seems as if out of nowhere, but that's not true. Vampires do not teleport. We're simply so much faster than humans that it looks like we move like the wind blowing.

"Get out of here before I end your miserable life," I threaten through my teeth; my fists are clenched, ready to attack.

"Mr. Darrington? What are you doing here?" I hear Katie's voice through the closed window.

I do not respond. It's not the time for conversation. At first, I need to teach this man how they have to treat women.

I hear the other man coming from behind, trying to grab me by the collar. When I turn to face him, he startles at what he sees on my face.

I grab the bastard by his coat and throw him so far that he bounces on the ground like a bag of potatoes, right next to his buddy.

"Get the girl, and we'll take care of him," I hear others saying to each other.

Get the girl...that is all they need to say to really get me angry. Because no one may touch what belongs to me.

A loud roar comes out of my lungs as a signal that I'm no longer able to control myself. When a vampire gets angry, the fangs and red eyes come out. And there isn't a way to stop me now.

It takes me a couple of seconds to knock them all to the ground. And when they're finally lying all together, trying to come to their senses, that's when I'm ready to take the first bite.

A human's blood. It's been a while since I've tasted it. I and Beatrice both agreed that it would be better for us to drink the blood of animals. There are farmers all over England who send the blood to us. That blood is not as tasty or healthy for a vampire, but at least we don't have to kill anyone to have it.Until now.

I catch a familiar smell. The blood is running out of one's nose, and I know I won't be able to stop until I drink all of them to the last drop. And why should I? The world is gonna be a much better place without these bastards.

"Mr. Darrington! Don't do this." I hear a voice from behind, but the desire to hurt them is so strong that I ignore it. "Raphael! Please, stop!" I hear a begging on the verge of crying and stop for a second.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Paranormal