Page 42 of In Your Arms

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“No need. I love you, son.”

“Love you too, Dad.” I sat back in the chair and finished off the glass in my hand. Once I had gathered the courage, I pulled my phone from my pocket and sent Hope a text asking her to meet me at the local coffee shop.

Chapter Thirty-Three


It was close to six.I was supposed to meet Carter at the coffee shop at seven. I was nervous and trying to calm my nerves as I searched through my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. I had pretty much packed everything for my move this weekend. Things with my move had been delayed because the apartment I had rented needed repainting and new carpet. As I searched I became upset the dress that Carter loved on me was already in the city, in his apartment. I glanced at the time, my stomach rolling. Only half an hour to go. I had just showered and put on lotion, vanilla invading my senses. I finally settled on my white sundress and pulled it from the hanger.

I grabbed my purse from the bed and headed downstairs, taking my keys off the hook by the door. I pulled the door open when I heard my father clear his throat behind me. “Good to see you’ve finally gotten dressed. Mr. and Mrs. King are bringing Trent over to sit down and talk. This nonsense has to stop, Hope.”

I closed my eyes, a shake running through my body. “Dad, I’ve already told you, there is nothing else to talk about. He and I are no more.”

I turned to walk out the front door but stopped. Mr. King was walking up the front steps, his wife and Trent trailing behind. I glanced at my watch. Carter would probably already be at the coffee shop, and I desperately needed to meet him.

“Dad, this is so not fair. There is nothing for us to talk about.”

“Hope, it’s for your own good.” He pushed me aside and welcomed the three of them into the house. Trent looked to me and shrugged his shoulders.

After all the fake pleasantries were exchanged, my father guided all of us into his study. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and knew it was Carter. I pulled my phone from my pocket, and just as I went to type my password in, my father ripped the phone from my hand and placed it in his desk drawer. “You’re not sitting here with your face in your phone all night.” He slammed the drawer shut and that was when I felt my heart sink. He was going to ruin the best thing for me all over again.

“Hope, sit down,” my father barked, closing the door and nodding toward Trent. “Trent, you too.”


I glanced at my watch.I had been waiting for forty-five minutes. It was starting to get dark. I was still sitting at the little table inside the shop, continuing to wait. With each passing minute, the excitement I had had at the thought of putting my hands on her again was diminishing.

After another twenty minutes, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see if there were any messages from her—nothing.

I typed out a couple texts and waited, but she never responded.

I ordered another coffee and sat back down. I waited there for another half hour, and when I still hadn’t heard from her, I decided to get in my car and drive home. Fuck this, she was mine; that was all there was to it, and I was going to claim her.

I pulled into my parents’ driveway and inhaled deeply as I shut the engine off and climbed out of the car. I needed to figure out what to say now. The longer the words I had planned to say ran through my head, the more ridiculous they sounded.

I stood by my car for a few minutes and then started walking toward her house. I rounded the corner, and she came into sight. Standing on the porch in a white sundress, tears pouring down her cheeks, my perfect love looked off into the distance. I was just about to call out to her when the front door opened and out stepped Trent fucking King. He placed his hands on her shoulders, then she turned and stepped into him, letting his arms envelop her. In that moment, all the courage and confidence I had had that I could win her back was gone. Watching this unfold before my eyes, I realized that the days we had shared over this summer were all I would ever have with her. It was the end of us.


I watchedas Mr. and Mrs. King walked down the front porch steps. “Trent, let’s go. You’ll fire that bastard, Trent, that is all there is to it. End of story. He was the one who signed the contract.”

Trent stayed behind, not saying anything to his father as he continued to bark all the way to the car. Trent walked over to me. “Shhhh. Don’t cry. I’ve settled everything. It’s done, Hope.” I looked up into Trent’s brown eyes.

“You did?” I whispered.

“When you came out here to get some air, I told them. Your father is pissed; my father is pissed.”

“What was that about Daddy’s job?”

“No need to worry about it. I’ve already taken over King Enterprises. Your father’s job is safe.”

“Yeah, but what contract did my father sign?”

“I have no idea, but I promise you his job is safe.” He placed a finger under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. “I promise.”

“Thank you.” I smiled through my tears.

“Go message your man. If you need anything, just text.”

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance