Page 37 of In Your Arms

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“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this with you. You’re not her, and I’m not going to pretend for one night to use you, just to bury my feelings like I did before.”

“It’s okay, Carter. One night would be enough for me.”

I shoved her off me and stood. Grabbing my beer, I drank the rest of it down. There was no way this was going to happen. I couldn’t do this, nor did I want to. The only one I wanted in my arms was Hope, regardless of what had happened tonight.

“I told her, you know. I told her if she wasn’t serious about you, not to play games.”

I walked to the door and opened it, not looking at her, but waiting for her to leave.

She continued mumbling away, but I ignored her. Finally she got up off the couch and walked toward me. At some point she had removed her shirt and bra and stood before me, taunting me. “You don’t want me?”

I couldn’t even look at her, and I’m a man; I love tits, and I had always thought she had a great set, but it didn’t matter. I grabbed her shirt from her hand and covered her. “Good night, Felice.” She walked across the hall digging in her purse for her keys. I shut my door and locked it before she had a chance to turn around. Then I shut off the lights and headed into my bedroom. I stripped down to nothing and crawled into bed. As soon as I buried my face into the pillow, I smelled her—that light, fresh citrus scent all over my pillow and my sheets—and as the scent continued to invade me, my thoughts flew to the memories we had made over the last few weeks. I knew without a doubt that she was supposed to be mine. I lay there as long as I could, punishing myself in my mind, until I couldn’t take it any longer. I got up, got dressed, and headed down to Joe’s place.

Chapter Thirty


Isat out front thebanquet hall, taking in the silence and fresh air. My eyes were swollen, and my throat and chest hurt from crying. The doors to the hall opened, and Trent came out. Everyone had pretty much left. The only people still here were my parents, Trent’s family, and the odd family members. I sat against the wall, my legs pulled up to my chest, my head resting on my arms.

Trent came over and sat down beside me. “I’m not too thrilled about what happened tonight either, Hope.” He was quiet as he said the words, not looking in my direction.

I had nothing to say, so I just listened.

“It’s no secret, Hope, that we aren’t right for each other. I’m not in love with you, and I’ve met someone, someone at my father’s company. I’ve been seeing her since we broke up.”

“That’s great, Trent. I’m happy for you.” I swallowed hard, my heartbeat accelerating.

“I don’t love you; I don’t think I ever have. I don’t want this marriage any more than you do.”

“Have you told your parents that?”

“I did, tonight, after the announcement.”

“Why not before?” I asked, swallowing hard.

“I wanted you to come back with me to talk to them, but you wouldn’t, and I get why—you thought your father sent me to get you. But after I thought about it and after I watched you tonight, I realized how happy you were when you were with Carter, possibly how happy you always were with him. I realized it was wrong of me to want you and to try to take you from him because I see now that you were never that happy with me, Hope. Someone would have to be blind not to see that you are in love with him.”

Our eyes met, and I gave him a soft smile. “I am. I came back and talked with my dad. He said he would talk to your parents, that he would call this whole thing off, but he lied.”

“It’s okay. I will talk to my father, and if worst comes to worst, I will talk with them both. Okay? I’m sorry for the trouble I have caused; I will fix it.”

I smiled at him. “How about I drive you home?” he asked, holding his hand out for me to take. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up.

“I’m staying at a motel not far from here. I need to get my things, but before you take me to the hotel and to my parents, would you mind driving me into the city? I want to see Carter. Mom and Dad are going to be here for a while by the looks of things.”

“Sure, come on,” he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “Don’t worry. Everything will work out.”

Together we walked down the front stairs and over to Trent’s car. He opened the door for me and helped me in and then walked around to the other side. We drove in silence back to the hotel and once I had my things, he drove me to the city.

The house wasquiet as I lay in my room, staring up at the ceiling. My small bedside light was on; my head was pounding. The trip to the city had been uneventful. Since I had gone with Carter, I had left my keys inside the apartment, so I couldn’t get in. I had banged on the door until finally Felice had come to her door, and within minutes, she had me in tears and running for the elevator.

After Trent dropped me off at my parents’, I had tried to text Carter, and then call, but he had shut his phone off. I didn’t want to believe that Felice was right, that he was in bed in her apartment, but I was beginning to wonder. I was staring at my cell phone praying for a reply when I heard the front door slam and my father’s elevated voice in the entryway below. He was yelling at my mother. I closed my eyes and let out a breath; I just wanted to be left alone. I had thought about asking Trent to drop me at one of the girls’ houses that I worked with, but I was exhausted and upset and couldn’t remember how to get there.

“Hope, get your ass down here now!” My father’s voice bellowed up the stairs.

I closed my eyes, wishing he would just leave me be.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance