Page 30 of In Your Arms

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“Good. So, tell me how are things between you and Carter?”

I softly smiled and looked out at the water, thinking back to last night. “They are good. At least I think so.”

She was quiet for a moment. “So, I can’t help it, but this whole sudden relationship is sort of surprising to me.”

I sat staring out at the ocean. “Why is that?”

“We have been neighbors since he moved across the hall. I know all about what happened between the two of you. I was the one whose shoulder he cried on, it was my body he took out his frustrations on after you and since then, and the string of women that parade in and out of his apartment on a weekly basis has been unbelievable. I’ve wanted him for a long time, Hope. There was one point not too long ago when I figured for sure we were going to get together. It was the night you showed up. We had gone home together, and things were getting hot and heavy, and then suddenly he stopped and left and you showed up. I don’t like people who get in the way of things I want, Hope.”

My stomach started to turn at her words.He’d been with Felice?The thought sickened me in every way possible, but I wasn’t going to let that part phase me. “He’s been with other women?” I choked out.

“Yes, the door to his apartment is like a turnstile. One leaves, another enters. He loves to talk about the women he’s been with too. At first when he started talking to me about them, I figured it was to make me jealous, but then I wondered if it might be best to stay away from him. But let’s face it, he is hot. It’s been somewhat of a challenge. He will be quite the catch for someone.”

I bit my lip, fighting back tears. “Has he...has he said anything about me?”

“Not to me yet, but I’m sure he is up there right now talking with the guys about you or one of his other conquests.”

I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there, her words swimming around in my head. I watched a couple stroll down the beach, holding hands, and a couple of kids playing in the sand. Her words were killing me.He had strings of women and her?She finally broke the silence by clearing her throat.

“Listen, Hope, I don’t want to come off sounding like a jealous friend, but just be careful with him, okay? Whatever it is that is going on between the two of you, make sure you really want it.”

“What is that supposed to mean, Felice?”

“Exactly what I said. Don’t play games with him.”

I looked at her, not knowing what to say. She was acting as though Carter had been the only one to get hurt in our past.

“Felice...” She cut me off before I could say anything else.

“Seriously, Hope, you didn’t see him. Just be careful with him. Whatever hold he has on you has the potential to break him for anyone else.”

I stared out into the water, wondering why she and I were even having this conversation. “Felice, I would never hurt him on purpose.” I wasn’t about to admit to her that I was afraid this time I may be the one to get hurt.Parades of women. Those words stuck in my head like they had been glued there.

“Never said you would, but remember he’s a great guy who has a lot going for him. I would give anything to have a guy like him.”

I frowned. “You’d give anything to be with a guy who had a parade of women coming in and out of his apartment? What kind of a girl are you, Felice?” I spat back.

She bit her lip. “Okay, maybe it’s not quite as bad as I explained. I’m just saying...”

“What are you saying, Felice?” I glared at her.

“You know, I have wracked my brain trying to figure out where I know you from and it finally came to me last night while I was watching you pour yourself all over him. Two years ago, at my uncle’s Christmas party, you were dating my cousin, Trent.”

“So what? That is no secret, Felice.”

“No, it’s not. I guess what I am saying is you better tell Carter the truth before someone else does.”

I didn’t know how to react to what she had just told me. “I see. Well thank you for your concern, Felice, but it’s none of your business.”

“Carter is a friend of mine. It is my business.”

I stood and turned my back away from her and continued looking out at the water. Felice continued to sit there, and I could feel the tension between us when I heard Carter’s voice calling my name in the distance.

“That’s my cue.”

I said nothing. I didn’t want her anywhere near me, and with Carter fast approaching, I needed to turn my mood around and fast. I looked over my shoulder in the direction from which I had heard him call my name and saw him walking across the beach toward us. Felice ran off in the other direction, and I stood there looking out over the water, fighting back tears. It was seconds later that I felt Carter’s hand run down my arm. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, breathing in his scent.

We spent the rest of the night watching the entertainment that the resort put on. Felice had turned in early, and I couldn’t have been more thankful. After the show was over we had a couple more drinks and then we all turned in.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance