Page 9 of It Was Always You

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“That's too bad,” I mumbled and shoved the phone back in my pocket. An hour later, I turned my key in to the building superintendent then wheeled my suitcase out to the sidewalk to wait for the cab I’d called. I had spent most of the last three weeks with Jen and felt as if I was intruding. Tonight, I had decided to spend the night at theRadisson.

It didn't take long for the cab to pick me up and take me to the hotel. I ordered room service once I had checked in. I hadn't eaten all day, and with everything that had gone on, I was starving. I then made a call to Elliott. His phone rang twice before heanswered.

"Hey, sis! How did everything go with themovers?"

"It went well, Elliott, but you didn't have to pay forit."

"I wanted that to be a surprise for you. I'm happy to do it. What time do I need to pick you up onSaturday?"

I could hear the police radio chattering in the background. I hated bothering him while he was atwork.

"My flight lands around two in the afternoon on Saturday. I can take a cab. You don't have to be there to pick me up; I have the address to my newplace."

"Don't even start that nonsense,Tatum."

"Elliott, I don't want to be an imposition. You found me the place, and now you've paid for my movers." I feltterrible.

"I'm going to stop you right there. I wanted to pay for them. I'm excited you’re moving down, and the last thing you are to me is an imposition. I want to be there when you arrive." The line grew quiet. I wasn't going to fight him anymore. "Have you heard fromhim?"

"Yes, he called, but I didn't answer." I had a feeling Elliott knew I was hiding things, but I didn't want him to worry about me any more than hewas.

"Good, the sooner you’re away from there, the happier I will be. I don’t want anything to happen toyou."

I heard the radio go again in the background and heard Elliottrespond.

"Listen, I gotta go. Got a call. I'll see youSaturday!"

I fell asleep after dinner.It had been a long few days of packing and getting everything ready, and I wasexhausted.

Something startled me out of my sleep. The television was on, the room was dark, and it took me a minute to get my bearings and remember where I was. Someone was pounding on the door. I glanced at the clock on the table. Ten forty-five. What on earth? The only one who knew I was here wasJen.

Figuring it was her, I got up from the bed and went to the door. "What is up with—" It was as if all the air had been pulled out of my lungs. "Dean."

"Why haven't you returned my calls or my texts?" Pushing past me, he made his way into the room, closing the door behindhim.

"Dean, what are you... How did you know I washere?"

"I have my ways." Heshrugged.

"You followed me?" Iquestioned.

"Well, I've been calling and messaging for the past three weeks with no response. I had to do something. I don’t like being ignored,Tatum."

"That's because I have nothing more to say to you, Dean." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against thewall.

"I finally went to your place of work today and found out you were laid off three weeks ago. Then I went to your apartment and saw you dealing with movers. I waited, parked across the street, and followed you here when you left. I'm tired of being ignored, Tatum." He pressed himself up against me, his cold eyes meeting mine. "We need totalk."

"Dean, I have nothing to say to you. I want you toleave."

"You do understand that you belong to me. I told you I made a mistake. We forgive people who make mistakes, Tatum. Now, tell me where you think you’re going." He towered over me, placed both hands on the wall, one on either side of my head, and gave a threateningstare.

"It was a mistake the first time, and I forgave you. You've had your second chance, and again you lied. We're over, and you don't need to know where I'm going. You don't own me." I tried to walk away, but he grabbed hold of my arms and pinned me in place. "Dean, let go of me. You’re hurting me." His grip was so strong on my arms, I could feel bruisesforming.

"I have my ideas about where you are planning to go, and I don't like it. I've told you, I don't want you seeing your brother. I'm warning you to think twice aboutleaving."

"You're hurting me." I struggled to get out of his grip, but there was nouse.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance