Page 8 of It Was Always You

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I grabbed my laptop, bringing it to the dining room table I started searching for a one-way flight to EmeraldBay.

"Hey, Tatum, ‘bout time yougot back to me. How was yourday?"

"I have a surprise for you." My voice was hoarse, but I was smiling. It was the first time I had smiled in aweek.

"Is everything okay? You sound like you’ve beencrying."

How did he do that every time? "I’m coming down with a cold, Elliott," I lied. "Do you want to know what your surprise is?" I asked, the excitement creeping back into myvoice.

He laughed into the phone. “Sure, hitme.”

“I booked a flight today. I'll be seeing you in threeweeks!"

"Awesome! It's about time. I can't wait to seeyou."

I hadn't seen Elliott for a year that was the last time he was home. Before he moved, we were inseparable. Elliott continued talking about the things we would do when I arrived. I was concentrating so hard on how to tell him it was more than just a visit that I barely heard a word hesaid.

"Elliott, can you do me a favor before I come down?" I askedsuddenly.

"Of course! What do youneed?"

"Can you find me a place to live?" I swallowed hard. There was nothing but silence on the other end of the phone. "Elliott?"

"What’s going on,Tatum?"

"What? I just think I could use a change of scenery. I've already booked movers." I wasn't sure if he would see through that flimsy excuse or not, and if he did, he didn't let on. I never uprooted easily, and no one knew me better thanElliott.

"Yes, of course, I will help you. If I can't find you a place before you get here, you can always stay with me for abit."

"Sounds good. I’m going to stay with Jen for a fewdays."

"Okay. Listen, I have to be at work soon. I’ve got to go. Say hi to Jen, and call me if you need anything,okay?"

"Okay." After we hung up, I packed my bag. I had called Jen and told her I would be there shortly. I couldn't wait to get out of thisapartment.

Three WeeksLater

Is that everything, miss?" theyoung man asked as he loaded the last of the boxes onto his dolly to take out to the moving truck. I looked around my empty apartment. The only thing left to do was sweep thefloors.

"I believe so, but I will double check and meet you downstairs." I was flying out on Saturday. I hoped the movers would have my stuff in Emerald Bay in time for me on Saturday night. Once I was sure all the rooms were empty, I headed down to see themoff.

"Looks like that’s everything," I told the young mover. My phone vibrated in my hand, and I checked the screen, Dean again. I placed the phone back in my pocket, ignoring thecall.

"Did you need to take that, miss? It’s been ringing all afternoon. Someone must want to get a hold ofyou."

I looked at him and shook myhead.

"Okay, well, we will arrive in Emerald Bay by the latest Saturday evening. No worries, miss." He latched the back door shut and locked it. "Everything willarrive."

"Oh here, I almost forgot I owe the down payment." Digging into my back pocket, I pulled out a check. "We agreed the rest would be due on delivery. I just need to know what the added cost was for you to move my car so I can make out thecheck."

"No, miss. It's not necessary. Your bill has already been paid infull."

I stopped writing the check and looked up at him. "What? Bywhom?"

He searched the bottom of the invoice. "Elliott." He smiled and hopped up into the truck then passed me a copy of myinvoice.

I watched as the truck drove down the road and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again. Taking it out, I opened my textapp.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance