Page 38 of It Was Always You

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"He told me that you didn't even tell him. He found out from a message left on your machine. What's going on withyou?"

I hated hearing the disappointment in his voice. "I don't know. I have worked so hard for this. I was one of the only ones they called back. I didn't know how to tell him. I didn't want to hurt him, or you, for thatmatter."

"Well, congrats to you. You don't need to worry about hurting me, but you should have at least considered Parker's feelings. You realize that he has never gotten over you. You can't do this to him. Also, Tatum, after all that’s gone on, how are we going to protect you there once Dean gets released? Did you think aboutthat?"

"Elliott, don't make me feel worse than I already do. I don't need protecting. Dean is behindbars."

"Well, someone needs to knock some kind of sense into you. I'm pissed with you! Your stubborn attitude is what got you into the mess you’re in with this asshole. If you had come to me when it all started between you and Dean, you wouldn't be in the position to needprotecting."

"You’re not being fair to me. I'll befine."

"Yeah, sure, as of right now, you are fine. You’re right, but once he’s released, you won't be. I see this shit happen all the time. You do realize that once he is released, he will be sent back to the city until his court date. I don't want something to happen toyou."

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm going to go to there for two weeks, work, and see what happens. That’s it. Besides, the officer told me that if he is released, he'll have to stay away fromme."

Elliott let out a deep breath. "Fuck, Tatum, I see these things happen all the time. Girl thinks she is safe, guy gets released, and the first thing he does is track her down and shows her who is boss, regardless of what conditions he has on him when he is released. These fucks don't give a shit, because if they did, these things wouldn’t happen. The last one I saw didn't end so well, and I don't want to see you end up likeher."

I could hear the added frustration in hisvoice.

"Elliott, it’s enough. Now, could you tell me how to get a hold of Parker please?" I was getting angrier by the second. Even though he had every right to talk to me that way, I didn’t want to hearit.

"He told me he was going away for a bit. He doesn't want to be bothered byanyone."

I huffed into the phone. "All right, well, my flight leaves tomorrow at four." The line went quiet. I wasn't sure Elliott was even on the other end of the phone. "Elliott?"

"Have a good trip. I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks." I heard the dreaded click on the other end of the phone, the familiar feeling of regret sinkingin.

They were calling out theseats to board the plane. Elliott hadn't answered his cell when I tried to call him earlier. I wanted to know everything was okay between us. I had called Parker as well, but he still hadn't returned my messages. I hoped to hear his voice before I left. I wanted to have a chance to explain thesituation.

I dialed his number again, but the phone rang and rang, his deep voice finally coming over the line. I left one more message before boarding the plane. "Parker, it’s me. I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did. I'm sure you don't even want to hear from me, but I wanted to say I love you. I'm in love with you. Please callme."

As I pressed the end call, I heard the last boarding call for my flight. I handed the boarding agent my pass and headed down the ramp to theplane.

Iwalked out of buildingand got into the black Audi sitting out front. "What have you found out since I've been in that hellhole?"

"Sir, you’re not going to like it. It appears she is involved with anotherman."

"Who? Tell me it's not that fucking cop." He didn't answer me. "So, it is that assholecop?"

"Yes, sir. I watched her have sex with him on the back deck of herplace."

My hands balled into tight fists as I listened to what he said. She was mine and would remain mine. I had to teach her alesson.

"Where is she now? Take methere."

"Sir, you just got out of jail, sir. How about wewait."

My jaw clenched. "I said take me to her. That bitch needs alesson."


"Do you know where she is or has your dumb ass losther?"

"She's in the city, alone. I have McKay watching her. She’s at theMarriott."

"Take me there now!" Ibarked.

He started the car and pulled away from the curb. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that littlebitch.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance