Page 37 of It Was Always You

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He quickly distracted me from the ringing phone. The machine kicked on, and as soon as he heard the voice, he stilled,listening.

"Tatum, it’s Brad Keller calling. Your flight has been arranged for tomorrow at four pm. You’re staying in room four-twelve at the Marriott. See you Monday morning at eight sharp. I'm glad you took me up on the offer. I look forward to working with you onceagain."

The dial tone blared through themachine.

I wasn't sure what it was that I saw in Parker’s eyes, but I knew if I hadn't already been lying down, his look would have knocked me to thefloor.

"What was that about,Tatum?"

I was on the verge of crying and throwingup.

"Tatum?" He sat up and put his head into his hands. "Are youleaving?"

Another moment of panic shot through me. Tears burning my eyes, I nodded. I couldn't get anything else out; tears ran down my cheeks as Iblinked.

"So, what has this been between you and me? A game? Are you trying to get back atme?"

I shook my head, trying to find the words to explainmyself.

"Did you think that I wouldn't be upset or that I didn't deserve to know? When did they call, Tatum?" he demanded. Getting up out of the bed, he bent over and grabbed his jeans from thefloor.

"They called yesterday. I was going to tell you. I was. I just wasn't sure how." Isniffled.

"So instead you pretended like nothing was going on and let me find out this way? It’s nice to know what I mean to you. Let me ask you, was that just a reflex I love you? Felt like you needed to say it, so I didn't gethurt?"

I put my head in my hands and started tocry.

"When were you planning to tell me? When you boarded the plane or while I was atwork?"

I could barely see him through my teary eyes. He wasn't angry; he was hurt. I had done itagain.

“Parker please, let me explain. It’s not what you’re thinking, really. Please justwait.”

He put his pants on and grabbed his shirt from my dresser. "I've got to go, Tatum. Have a safetrip."

He walked out of the bedroom, and within seconds, I heard the front door slam shut. I rolled onto my side and buried my face in my pillow andsobbed.

I spent most of theday and evening in bed, finally getting up to pack. Elliott had been calling, no doubt to find out what the hell went on, but I ignored the phone. I pulled the suitcase from the closet and threw in some clothes. I only needed work clothes. After all, I was only going to be gone for twoweeks.

Once I had most of the clothes packed, I grabbed my toiletry bag and threw that into my suitcase. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I glanced around the room, doubt creeping into my mind. I wasn't sure this was the right move to be making. Less than twelve hours ago, I had everything I'd wanted right here in this room, and now he wasgone.

Reaching for my cell phone, I typed out a message to Parker and sat waiting for a reply. And waiting. I could feel the tears start building again. This move was a mistake, I could feel it to mycore.

I called Elliott back. "Well, it’s about time you called me back." The tone of his voice told me he knew what hadhappened.

"Have you heard from Parker?" I askedquietly.

"Yes, he told me you were flying out tomorrow. Where are yougoing?"

"Work called me back. They had an amazing offer for me…or what I thought was an amazingoffer."

"So, you thought you would takeit?"

"Well, I thought I would try it out. I haven't made a final decision yet." Ichoked.

"Well, it sounded final when Parker talked to me. He said you didn't have much to say on the subject except that you had accepted theoffer."

I dropped my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. I could feel a headache comingon.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance