Page 3 of It Was Always You

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"Yes, it was amazing. I would have enjoyed it more had you put your phone on silent and paid attention to us. It kept going off. What could be that important at eight o’clock on a Friday night?" The valet opened the door for me, and I climbed out of the car then grabbed my small bag from the backseat.

"What I was needed for doesn't concern you, now does it? I will make sure everything is wrapped up once we are in the room. It should only take me about forty-five minutes, and then you will have my undivided attention. I hope that meets your approval." Glaring at me, Dean ripped the bag from my hand, and without waiting for me, walked into thehotel.

"I'm sorry. I guess I've missed you these past few weeks. I wanted to have you all to myself tonight. You are leaving Sunday for a week," I whispered while standing in line waiting to checkin.

Dean gave out a huff and stood with his body turned away from me, his face in his phone. He was responding to one email or text after another. Once again, I felt ignored as I had for the past fewmonths.

"Give me some time when we get upstairs to take care of what I need to get finished, and then you'll have me all toyourself."

"I'll be over there." I moved to the nearest lounge, sat down and checked my phone. It was as if he didn't even hear me. I could feel tears threatening to fall. His short temper was making me feel as if he didn’t want to be with me. Was there something so wrong with wanting to spend time with the person you love? I checked my email. When I unlocked my phone, the picture of Parker greetedme.

"What are you looking at?" I heard a rough voice demand, and I saw a hand reach out for myphone.

I shoved the phone into my jacket pocket before he could grab it from me. "Nothing, reading an email from work," Ilied.

"Let’s go," hedemanded.

As soon as we arrived at our suite, Dean shut himself in the bedroom. I sent Elliott a quick message to let him know all was okay and that I would call him tomorrow. Not knowing how long Dean would be, I took my phone and headed into the bathroom. I turned the water on and filled up the Jacuzzi, disrobed, and climbed in. Lying back, I let the water cover my body and the heat soak on in, easing the stress and tension I wasfeeling.

Dean knocked on the door before opening it and brought in a glass of white wine. "I had room service bring up a bottle." He handed me the glass and sat on the edge of the tub. "Listen, one of the guys from the office is bringing over a couple documents I have to get signed tonight, so I am going to head down and meet him in the lobby. I shouldn't be toolong."

Sighing, I took a sip and relaxed back in the water. "Whatever. Close the door please." I had nothing more to say. I could see that work would always come first, and I would always, no matter what, be on the backburner.

Dean glared into my eyes but said nothing. With the attitude I had been giving him, I knew I was pushing my luck. He stood and walked to the door, pulling it shut behind him. When the main door slammed shut, I started to cry. This was not how I pictured the evening going, never mind thisrelationship.

I stayed in the tub until I finished my wine, and with my chest aching and my eyes puffy and sore, I got out and dried off. Wrapping myself in one of the plush robes that hung on the back of the bathroom door, I went into the other room. Taking the spare blanket from the closet and a pillow from the bed, I poured myself another glass of wine, curled up on the couch, and found a movie on TV. I figured I may as well enjoy part of the night. Dean was still downstairs, and it was probably for thebest.

I awoke to sunlight beaming into my eyes. The last time I checked the clock, it was midnight. I guessed Dean’s quick document signing turned into drinks andfood.

I looked around the room. The TV was still on, and the door to the bedroom was open. I got up and walked over to the door to see if Dean was still in bed, but he wasn't. In fact, the bed hadn't even been sleptin.

I walked over to the bathroom and peeked in; he wasn't in there either. Had he even returned to the room last night? I got dressed and went in search ofDean.

I took the elevator down to the lobby. When it stopped, I stepped out but came to an abrupt halt at what I saw. There, sitting on a couch in the center of the lobby, was Dean holding some blonde woman in his lap. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to see me, so I hid around the corner, peeking around so I couldwatch.

He was still wearing the clothes he had worn to dinner last night. The only thing missing was his tie and suit jacket. The woman kissed him deeply, and then rose from his lap. Dean stood and pulled her into him and kissed heragain.

The lump in my throat made it hard for me to swallow. I watched as he whispered into her ear, and she giggled and kissed him again. She grabbed a small suitcase and walked out of the lobby. Dean watched until she was out of sight then grabbed a paper off the table in front of him and headed toward another set of elevators across thelobby.

I needed air... I could feel myself starting to panic. The lobby began to spin, so I sat down in the chair nearest to me to catch my breath. I didn't want to face him. I didn't want to talk to him. I wanted to grab a cab and go home, but I had left everythingupstairs.

When I didn't feel like I would be sick anymore, I made my way up to the room. I stood in the elevator trying to stop the deep, internal shake I could feel running through mybody.

The elevator stopped on our floor, and the door opened. I took a deep breath before stepping into the hall and walking toward the room. I had a feeling something was going on with him, but I never thought it would be something likethis.

With my hand shaking, I placed my key card into the lock and opened the door. Dean sat with his feet up on the coffee table, relaxing on the couch, reading thenewspaper.

"Morning, sweetheart," Dean said, dropping thepaper.

I said nothing. What on earth was there to say? I walked over and started packing mystuff.

"Sorry I didn't wake you when I returned last night. You were in bed and out like a light. You were still asleep when I went down to have breakfast and get apaper."

Every word he spoke was drilling another nail into mybody.

“I thought we could go grab lunch and take a walk by the marina before I drop you at home. Sound good?" He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me frombehind.

I shrugged myself out of his embrace and stuffed my pajamas into my bag. "Save it, Dean! I sawyou!"

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance