Page 2 of It Was Always You

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I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me then towel dried my hair and wiped the fog off the mirror. Looking at my reflection, my stomach did a little flip as soon as the thought of Dean entered mymind.

"I need to cancel our date again. I am sorry, but they need me to work late tonight on thecase."

Being a partner in the law firm was important to Dean, but I had a sinking feeling that the last few times he had canceled on me wasn't because of work. Our relationship hadn't been the greatest lately. He seemed withdrawn, short-tempered, and demanding. He was always on his phone messagingpeople.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. I took a sip, letting the cool liquid slide down my throat while checking for messages on my phone. Swiping at the screen, I saw a message fromDean.


“Of course it did,” I mumbled. Throwing my phone down on the counter, I headed back to my bedroom with mywine.

Going to my closet, I started sorting through my dresses, finally deciding on my favorite little black cocktail dress. It fit me in all the right places, and I wanted to look good for Dean. He was always complaining that I never looked good enough. I had finished my makeup when my phone rang, my stomach doing another flip as Ianswered.

"Did that douche cancel on you yet?" Elliott's voice poured over the phone. He had a major dislike for Dean and didn't have any problem showingit.

I smiled into the phone. I missed him something terrible. Three years ago, he moved to pursue his dreams of becoming a cop. He had been sent to the undercover unit six months ago and was just about to complete his training. "Hey, Elliott. No, he hasn't canceled, but he will be late. I appreciate you checking in on me with such high hopes," Igiggled.

"Well, text me if he does, and the next time I'm in town, I'll come and kick his ass. I can't have someone treat my little sister that way." He laughed into thephone.

All joking aside, I knew he wasserious.

I gave a small smile. Elliott had always looked after me. "How are things, Elliott? How is workgoing?"

"Going great! I'm loving it. It has been challenging, that’s for sure. Hey, I got something for you. I bet you'll never guess who my training officer is for this newdepartment."

"How would I even begin to guess who your trainer is, Elliott?" I took another sip of mywine.

"It’s Parker." In an instant, it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. "Tatum, did you hearme?"

I swallowed hard; thanking God Elliott couldn’t see my reaction. I downed the rest of my wine. My mind was running in all different directions. I wondered what he looked like now. Was he married with kids? Why had I never bothered to get in touch with him? I took a deep breath, trying to silence my mind. "Well, at least I know you're in good hands. How ishe?"

"He's doing well. I stayed with him after I got hired on the unit, my apartment was under renovation. It's been easier having someone here that I know, which reminds me, when are you coming down to visitme?"

"I have time off at the end of the month. I should be able to come down then. Dean will be away." I added more wine to my glass, having a hard time believing I had let that slipout.

"Dean will be away? I don't understand why that would matter. You’re coming to visit yourbrother."

Taking notice of the time on the clock, I needed to get going and finish getting ready. "Elliott, I have to go. Dean should be hereshortly."

"Tatum, I'd like an answer before we get off thephone."

"I mean, I won't have other engagements on my week off is all." Truth was, Dean didn't like Elliott either, and he didn't want me to see him anymore. We had had some major arguments the last few times Elliott had come back home. The last argument ended with me being forbidden to see mybrother.

"Okay…” He was hesitant. "Remember, I'm always here if you need me to come up and kick him around. Just say theword."

After we said our good-byes, I started working on my hair, but my mind kept wandering to Parker. I hadn't thought of him since I met Dean. I always wondered what would have happened if I had moved withhim.

Picking up my cell phone, I swiped to the contacts screen and pulled Parker’s informationup.

His contact picture opened, and I stared into that face, those eyes that still made my panties damp. If I thought hard enough, I could still feel his arms around me. My body pressed into his hard, well-defined chest. I could imagine those sexy, full lips kissing my lips and my neck, and his strong hands touching my body. Hands I still wished had explored every part of mybody.

I clicked the text icon next to his name and typed hello then stared at the blinking cursor, trying to get up the courage to hit send, but hit delete instead. Who was I kidding? He wouldn't want to hear fromme.

I wondered what his wife looked like, how cute his kids would be. "She is lucky to have you," I whispered to hisphoto.

I shut the phone off and concentrated on fixing my hair. Without warning, a feeling of pure regret poured over me. I would regret that breakup for the rest of mylife.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" Deanquestioned as he pulled up to the hotel’s valet parking and put the car inpark.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance