Page 27 of It Was Always You

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Shaking my head, I looked to all of them. "Guys, it's all right. You both go back to whatever you were doing. I’m okay. Parker can take me home. It’s all good. No need to make a fuss over me," Iinsisted.

They all looked at me, almost analyzing me to make sure I was telling them the truth. It was suffocating as their eyes penetrated my very being. I opened Parker's truck door and climbed up, pulling the door shut behind me, and closed myeyes.

When Parker didn't immediately get in the truck, I opened my eyes and watched as they congregated on the sidewalk. Every once in a while, Jen and Elliott would glance over their shoulders to look at me. They could talk about me all they wanted. I would befine.

"What the hell happened?"Elliottquestioned.

How was I going to explain to him what had gone down? He would be pissed to know I left her outside and took off. It wasn't like me, but I couldn't help it. I was hurt and needed to distance myself. Looking at both him and Jen, I swallowedhard.

"You're going to be pissed with me, Elliott. It probably wouldn't have happened if I wasn't being anass."

"What are you talking about,Parker?"

"We left the beach; things kind of got a little hot between us. She suddenly wanted to leave. So we packed up, I dropped her off, and I left before she wasinside."

Elliott glared at me. I could feel the heat coming from his eyes. He had trusted me with his sister, and I had disappointed him and her. I wasn't proud ofmyself.

"Anyways, I got to my driveway, and something in my gut told me to go back. I tried to shake it but couldn't. I ran in the house and grabbed my gun and two sets of cuffs from my bag before going back. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw the light on in the kitchen. I watched as her bedroom light then went on, and I sat debating what I was going to say to her when she opened thedoor.

“I got out of the truck and walked up and knocked on the door. I thought it strange that she didn't answer, so I called her name and still nothing. I thought I may be scaring her, so I told her it was me and still nothing. When I went to leave, I heard what sounded like a call forhelp.

“I called nine-one-one, and then I went around to the back of the house and found the back slider to the living room open. When I stepped in, that's when I heard him talking to her. I'm not going to tell you all the details because I'm sure you can read all that in the police report, but it wasn'tpretty."

Elliott finally unclenched his fists and started torelax.

"I'm sorry that I didn't go in with her,Elliott."

Jen rubbed Elliott’s back and wiped the tears from hereyes.

He stood, taking me in. "The main thing is you got to her before anything worse happened, and for that I am thankful. I just hope she's going to be okay." He peaked around to look atTatum.

I turned and looked over my shoulder at her. She sat wrapped in the blanket with her head back and her eyes closed. I silently prayed for thattoo.

"Do me a favor,Parker?"


"Can you take her to yourplace?"

"You've got it. You guys get home and get some rest. We can meet up tomorrow. Once again, Elliott, I amsorry."

Elliott wrapped his arm around Jen’s waist and led her to his truck. "It’s okay, Parker. Call if you need anything!" he shouted over hisshoulder.

"You know it." I walked around and climbed up into the truck and pulled away from thecurb.

Iwas so fucking mad; Ineeded something to calm my nerves. I wanted to kill that fucker for touching my girl. I was still pissed with myself for being such an ass earlier. Thank God, Elliott didn't take a swing atme.

I sat on the couch with my feet up on the coffee table, watching the news, trying hard to calm myself down. Tatum didn't need this right now. I heard a soft voice behind me and looked to see her watching me. My heart sped up at the sight ofher.

"Come sit." I patted the spot beside me. "I made you a tea." I nodded to the cup on the table, swallowing the lump in mythroat.

She walked over and sat down, picked the mug up, and took a sip, closing her eyes as she recognized it was her favorite tea—chamomile.

"You remembered my favoritetea."

"I remember lots of things about you, Tatum. And besides, it’s good tea. It helps me relax." I winked at her. She had told me that for years when wedated.

We sat in silence. She pulled her legs up to her chest and got comfortable in the corner of my couch, her head lazing on thebackrest.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance