Page 22 of Dirty Rocker

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Teeth scrape against my throat and I lose my goddamn mind.

“Dex!” I come with his name on my lips and his big hand squeezing my ass. His cock sawing inside me, rubbing over and over my most sensitive places, and his fist wrapped in my hair.

I come with legs twitching and eyes squeezed shut; waves shuddering through my insides and a trickle of fluid down my thigh.

“That’s it.” Dex doesn’t slow—he gets rougher. Choppier. Slamming into me from behind until my every exhale is a moan and his grip on my ass is punishing, and god, I hope his fingertips each leave a bruise. “That’s my girl. Fuck.”

When he wedges as deep as he can go, I hold my breath. Eyes still squeezed shut, every inch of me focused on the sensation of wet heat spreading through my pussy.

“Mine,” Dex grunts, his cock twitching as he comes. “Mine. London.”

Yeah, no kidding. I huff out an exhausted laugh, blinking my eyes open at the deep purple wall, and I’m so freaking sticky. Hot and sweaty and rumpled.

“Yours,” I agree, patting the hand on my ass. I’ve been his for weeks now, since the first time I saw him, and I’ll be his for the rest of my days. “And since I’m yours, Dex Kincaid… you want to go find me a cloth?”

* * *

Three years later

It’s hot and dusty in the wing, same as ever. Huge black drapes hang down from the eaves, soaking up the noise from the band and blocking the sight of the roaring crowd. They’re going crazy tonight, leaping and screaming and singing along, and I can’t help grinning as I pick my way through the shadows.

The energy tonight is contagious. It’s impossible not to nod along to the beat; not to stare out at the stage and feel my mouth go dry.

My husband is playing hard, sweat streaming over his muscles and making his black t-shirt cling to the ridges of his abs. A scowl pinches his dark eyebrows together, the focus taking over as he plays through the trickiest part of this song.

Jefferson’s singing too, drawing most eyes in the room, but not mine. I barely register him these days, except as just another Run Along Ruby band mate.

Now and then, my father tries to change that fact. Tries to start fresh with me, but I know better than to fall for that again. And it’s not like I’m lacking in love, is it?

One hand curved over the small swell of my belly, I pick a flight case against the wall and settle down on it. Get comfy.

Dex isn’t expecting me here tonight. I’d planned to hole up in a late night coffee shop and work on the article I have due next week, but I guess I was extra inspired tonight. I finished up early, and now I’m ready to surprise my man.

He thinks I get bored of watching these shows, but he’s wrong. I’ll never get tired of watching Dex play.

It’s the way his fingers blur over the strings of his guitar, faster than my eyes can follow, and the focused set of his jaw. The way he barely registers all the women screaming and lunging for the stage, getting completely lost in the music instead.

Not that he’d really see them otherwise. When the band breaks for a quick chug of their drinks, Dex glances into the wings and lights up at the sight of me. He shrugs off his guitar and sets it on the stand, then steps over a thrown bra as he strides into the wing, marching straight to my flight case perch.

“You here to distract me, baby?”

Big hands cradle my cheeks; a bristly mouth finds mine. His kiss is long, deep, and drugging. Edged with hunger, even though we said our goodbyes in the shower before I headed off to the coffee shop.

I’m grinning when we come up for air. “Maybe. Is it working?”

Dex snorts, spreading his palm over the hard curve of my belly. “Hell yeah. You say the word and I’ll sneak us out the back.”

Sweet, but unnecessary. “Nope. I read that babies can hear music inside the womb. We’re here to listen, Dex Kincaid, so you’d better play your best.”

Dex huffs a laugh and salutes. “Yes, ma’am.”

Watching his broad shoulders as he strides back onto stage, hearing the roar of the crowd and seeing his arm flex as he waves…

This feels like a dream. Like it’s too good to be true.

Then the band strikes a loud opening note, and I settle back, heart calm.

Tags: Cassie Mint Romance