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Chapter Fifty

Once he was sure that Roy had settled down comfortably, Sloan made his way to the hospital cafeteria. His allergy medication sometimes made him drowsy so he needed some caffeine to keep from dropping off.

At this time of the night, the restaurant was only open for pre-packaged sandwiches, hot drinks, sodas and some wrapped desserts, but there was enough choice for him to grab a little something.

A man came up behind him at the coffee machine and started up a conversation. “You have someone here in hospital?”

“My dad. He fell out of a tree trying to save a cat. How about you?” Sloan noticed the other man’s eyes narrow as soon as he turned his way. Recognition filled his expression which made Sloan look twice himself. “Do I know you?”

The Hawaiian fellow stepped back and shook his head. “Nah, man. I don’t think so.”

Sloan couldn’t stop. He felt drawn to find out more about the guy. “You have someone in here?”

“My boss. He got sh- hurt earlier. But I think he’s gonna recover. Gotta go.” The man stopped in the hallway and turned. “Your dad?”

“Pardon me?”

“You said your dad fell out of a tree.”

“Yeah. He’s not my real dad, but he brought me up and so I think of him that way. Why?”

“No reason. Hope he gets better.” The words followed the man as he rushed to the elevator, two coffees in his hand.

Sloan knew that whole exchange had been weird but he wasn’t sure why. As far as he knew the guy was a stranger. And yet he’d gotten the bizarre feeling that the other man knew him. In fact, knew him enough to question him about Roy being his father.

Accepting that people were odd at the best of times, he headed to the lounge close to Roy’s room and sat down with his food and drink. The TV was playing low and the breaking news caught his notice.

“Earlier tonight, Nick Kroller was shot in a gang war. The leader of the Kroller gang was attacked in front of his restaurant by unknown gunmen. He was rushed to hospital where he’s currently on life support. Sadly, an innocent bystander wasn’t as fortunate and was killed, as was one of Kroller’s bodyguards. No names will be released at this time until police have informed the families of the deceased. Witnesses say they saw a red Camaro leaving the scene. Police are investigating the crime and would like anyone who might have further information to come forward.”

Sloan’s shock slammed him so hard he dropped his sandwich and barely saved the coffee from ending on his lap too. A jolt of understanding penetrated and he started to rise, only to sink back into the orange leather chair.

Fuck me. He’d been talking to Tadeo Kealoha, his mother’s brother. His friggin’ uncle. Of that he had no doubt. The man had recognized him. According to Les, the shmuck worked for Kroller and had been his right-hand man for years.

He had to contact his superior, Jack Harrison. Tell him that the guy they’d been after for so long was not only in the hospital but that he was pretty sure he knew who’d shot Kroller.

First, he needed to confront his uncle.

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller