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“How sad.”

“I was well fed, had nice clothes. Lots of kids had it far worse than me.”

“I never heard you add that you were loved.”

“Oh, I’m sure I was. It’s just that they couldn’t seem to show their affection. Not even with each other.”

“Like I said, how sad.”

Ryan called out to them and interrupted their conversation. “Sloan, Alia. We’re finished the transfusion.”

Roy piped up. “I feel surprisingly stronger. So, I’m thinking I want to go home.”

They both moved over to stand by the bed and Sloan glanced at the nurse who shook his head very slightly. “Not a good idea, Roy. We’ll take you back tomorrow. Tonight you rest up here and let them watch over you.”

Ryan added. “Yeah, man. There’s a little matter of a concussion. The doc has ordered us to monitor that for the night.”

Roy reached for Alia’s hand and squeezed her fingers as soon as they joined. “Thank you for giving an old man your blood. I feel like a new person already.”

She laughed and squeezed him back. “You’re so very welcome, Roy. I can see your coloring is better. You sleep well, and I’ll be around tomorrow with Kean who begged to come tonight. If the doc says we can take you home, we’ll break you outta here then.”

He laughed at her teasing, his blue eyes shining again. “You got it. I’ll be waiting. Now take this bully with you, or he’ll sit here all night, watching to be sure I don’t mess up again.”

“Oh, you’re not getting away with that nonsense, old man. I’m not going anywhere. Now shut up and go to sleep or I’ll cut off your Netflix.”

Alia looked amused and Roy added, “He’s always bugging me about how many movies I watch.”

She leaned in closer. “Far as I’m concerned, that’s pretty damn low. If the scoundrel messes with your viewing, you call me and I’ll fix it for you.”

“You’re my kind of girl.” Roy laughed and patted her cheek.

Sloan led Alia to the door and grudgingly passed over the car keys. “I’ll be staying here tonight, but you’ll need to get home for Kean. I can’t believe I’m letting you drive my baby again.”

As she took the keys from him, Alia patted his hand. “I’ll guard her with my life, I promise.”

He sighed, pretending to be hugely distressed. Meanwhile, he covered the very real dismay he was experiencing with witticism. “Just so you know; Don’s at the house doing the stakeout. I called him before we came to the hospital. He promised to sneak in and take over tonight’s vigil.”

“Oh, God, I forgot all about the case.” Alia’s shock wasn’t feigned. She had forgotten.

“I know. Not to worry. I told him to try and get the license number when the relatives are dropped off back at the Amans’. You grab some sleep now, then take over from him early and he’ll pick us up in the morning.”

He went to hug her but suddenly, he felt her shy away. Roy was there and so was Ryan, who still hovered around, tidying the room. Alia stepped out of the zone and shot him a sad smile before she blew Roy a kiss and left. The woman’s barriers drove him crazy. When they were alone, she was like another person, warm and open and willing.

But that wasn’t her nature, and he knew she had a long way to go to be as affectionate as he expected.

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller