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Three Years Later

Ican barely see through the tears as I watch the second line appear on the pregnancy test indicating I’m pregnant. I put a hand to my mouth as a smile crosses my face. I stand in the bathroom in our apartment in Georgetown that we’d gotten once we graduated with some help from our parents. Everett and I got married earlier this year and we are currently looking for a bigger place now that we are trying for a baby.

And now I’m pregnant!

I squeal as I peek my head out of the door. Everett and I have plans to go out to dinner tonight, but I have a feeling once I reveal this news, we will be spending the night celebrating at home alone. I look down at the test and wonder if I should plan a fun, cute reveal. I think about that for about a half a second before I realize that it would require keeping a secret from Everett for longer than four seconds, which is impossible. I’d accidentally spoiled two surprise parties for him, one of which I’m planning because I don’t know how to keep a secret from my man.

“Everett, Everett!!” I squeal as I make my way out of the bathroom and into the living room where my husband is nursing a beer and watching a Thursday night football game. “Everett.”

“Mrs. Cartwright,” he addresses me, reluctantly pulling his eyes from the television and roaming his eyes over me. He gives me a smile, one of those sexy smiles that are reserved only for me before turning back to the game.

I dart my gaze to the fifty-inch flat screen mounted on the wall that Everett about threw a fit in the store to get, knowing damn well it basically dwarfed our small living room inside our small, but very expensive apartment.

“I need to tell you something? Can you…” I point at the television but he still hasn’t looked back at me. “Babe!”

“It’s overtime, baby, five minutes.”

“Five minutes in football? What, is there only twelve seconds left on the clock!?” I stamp my foot and turn to the television and then back to him.

“Come sit here. Come sit in my lap.” He taps his lap and I narrow my gaze. Irritation floats through me, but the idea of sitting on Everett’s lap sends a sexy shiver through me.

Maybe I can play with his…

I’m already moving before I can finish the thought and I’m in his lap, pressing my lips to his neck and rubbing my hand down his chest and over his dick that is hidden by a pair of sweatpants.

“Oh, hello.” He chuckles and rubs my back, but I can see he’s still looking at the game. “OH COME ON!” he yells.

“Everett.” I wince at the volume.

He presses a kiss to my forehead before turning back to the game. “Sorry, baby.”

I know the chances of me being able to get his attention now is slim, so I decide to just drop the bomb. “Speaking of baby, we’re having one.” Well, that’s not how I thought that was going to go. I roll my eyes and giggle at my delivery.

Whatever, I’ll do better on the next one.

He turns from the television and looks at me. “Say what, now?”

“Surprise!” I hold up the stick, I’d been hiding in the pocket of my joggers.

He turns the television off immediately and stares up at me and then down at the stick and then up at me again. “We’re having a baby? You’re…you’re pregnant?”

I nod as tears spring to my eyes again, and then his lips are on mine, his tongue rubbing against mine gently and then roughly. “Leigh,” he whispers against my lips, his hand finding my stomach and rubbing the space gently. He slides his hand up my body to cup my face before he pulls away from me. “You’re so fucking amazing.” He rubs his lips over my tattoo before he lifts me in his arms.

“We’re bailing on dinner, right?” I ask him and he stares at me with wide eyes before shaking his head.

He shoots me a wicked grin. “You’ll be lucky if I let you out of our bedroom before Sunday.”


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