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“Fuck. I’m not…just you…just you.” I chant as her hands reach for my shirt pulling it off of me and forcing my shorts down. I yank my sweatshirt off of her revealing a tank top underneath and no bra. I immediately latch down on her breast and suck the nipple between my teeth, wetting the white fabric with my tongue. I rip her tank down the center, pushing her breasts together and running my tongue over the dark pebbled nipples. I pull her shorts and panties off and then she’s on top of me, riding me. Hard.

I reach up, holding my hand around her throat and I pull her down so that I can whisper in her ear. “Mine. Fuck, you’re so mine.”

“No. You’re fucking mine.” She growls between thrusts and me letting her throat go ever so slightly. I roll us so that I’m on top of her and squeeze slightly. She grips my hand, squeezing it around her throat, and I know she must be getting light headed because she’s squeezing down on my cock so hard. I can feel her juices dripping out of her and down my balls and I already can’t wait to suck her hot clit into my mouth. I continue to thrust, feeling myself nearing the edge. “I…I…love…you…” she blurts out before her teeth sink into her bottom lip and she squeezes her eyes shut. I can feel her pulse in her neck flickering against my palm, and it’s moving in sync with the pulsing in her sex.

“You come for me, Leighton Alexandra. You come for me right the fuck now.”

“Mmmm,” she whimpers.

“You come for me, so I can give sweet little kisses to your pussy. Would you like that?” I growl in her ear as she nods her head vigorously. “You’re doing so good, coming for me like a good little slut.” I let her neck go so I can bite her at her pulse point and the second I do, she explodes around me.

“Oh God, YES! Yes yes yes!” she screams. She pulls at my hair and pulls me away from her neck and latches her mouth to mine. “Fuck me fuck me fuck me.” She arches her back off the bed and I think her orgasm is still going based on how hard she’s squeezing me so I reach between us and rub her clit and she practically breaks the skin when she runs her nails down my back.

“Fuuuuuckkkkkk!” I groan at the delicious pain causing me to unleash my seed inside of her. I pump and thrust rope after rope of hot cum inside of her. I don’t know how long I’m coming, but at some point, I feel myself soften inside of her and pull out begrudgingly from my favorite fucking place. “God, you are sex personified, Leighton Mills. You’re going to be the death of me.”

Her body that was previously taut and stretched and tight, is now loose and languid and lying beneath me under a layer of sweat looking like a sex goddess.

“Fuck, that was so good.” She giggles as I pull her into my arms. She rests her head on my chest and I begin to stroke her hair as she runs her fingertips over my torso.

“Marry me,” I whisper into the room.

She freezes and looks up at me, confused. Though, if I know her like I think I do, she’ll say yes despite my completely impulsive, completely unromantic, ringless proposal. “You’re asking me now?”

“Will you? When I ask?”

“What do you think?”

“I think I want to hear you say it.”

“I love that you ask, like I have some sort of choice.”

I chuckle at her humor and pinch her side. “Leighton.”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment before she looks up at me, love and lust and adoration shooting from her eyes as she nods her head. “I’d marry you tomorrow, Everett Cartwright.”

Six Months Later

My heels click against the marble tile of the hospital as I move through the halls with the small pink bear in my hand preparing myself for when I hit room 404. I make it to the door and stand there for a moment before I knock twice.

“Come in!” I let out a breath and push through the door. I see who I assume to be Alli’s parents, and a guy in the corner holding a pink bundle and then I see Alli in the center of the room on the bed, looking like she’d just gone for a light jog. Of course she’d look gorgeous right after labor. Bitch.

No. Be nice.

“Hi! Are you a friend of Alli’s? I’m Alli’s mom.” She smiles and I smile back despite how uncomfortable I am.

“Leighton?” I hear Alli’s voice.

“Hey…” I look around the room, and I pray that no one knows who I am. “I ummm…I heard you had the baby, and I just…I thought I would stop by.”

It was impulsive. I was on my way to meet Skyler, Aidan, and Everett for drinks now that the three of us are twenty-one and seniors. The four of us have become pretty inseparable and go on double dates at least once a week. I’d say Peyton is about ready to kill us, but something tells me those double dates were about to turn into triple dates soon.

“I’ll have to say I’m surprised to see you,” she says softly.

“Well…ummm…” I hand her the pink bear with the phrase You Are Loved written across its stomach. “I wanted to bring the baby something.”

“Do you mind giving us a second?” Alli says to the three other people in the room. The guy hands her the pink bundle before they disperse leaving us alone. “Do you want to see her?” she asks, and I nod once before making my way closer to the bed.

“She’s so tiny,” I whisper. “What’s her name?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance