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“Excuse me?” Alli looks angry and disgruntled and livid, as soon as the words leave my lips. I’ve spent the majority of the weekend in bed with Leighton reuniting after so much time apart and the second Monday morning hit, I was armed with a new purpose.

To prevent anything from coming between her and me again.

Which means it is time to officially know the truth, and after her friends potentially outed what sounded like a fucking scheme, I want answers and I’m prepared to be ruthless in my quest for the truth.

So, I’d gone to the sorority house, and when they told me she was on her way home from her final, I decided to wait. She’d greeted me with a smile before I pinned her with a cold glare and told her that this was far from a social call.

She rubs her hands on her leggings and I watch the goosebumps popping up on her arms as a shudder rips through her. Nervously. “I take offense to that, you know. I haven’t been with anyone else besides you.”

“So, you say, but I’d like there to be no doubts and quite frankly, everyone in my life wants proof as well.”

She snorts and rolls her eyes. “You mean Leighton?”

I scratch my jaw and narrow my gaze at her. “Yeah, I do mean Leighton.”

“You said she was done with you…that you were done with her.” Her voice wavers slightly.

“I’ve never said I was done with Leigh. Ever. And furthermore, that doesn’t have shit to do with you. We are taking a paternity test. I’m actually not sure why we’re having this argument. This was always the plan. I was always planning to request one when the baby was born. I’m just requesting to have it done now. I’ll cover the costs since I want to do it earlier. You’re further along than eight weeks; they can do a test with just a swab of my cheek and a blood sample. I just need the truth.” I inform her. “And I have to say your extreme reluctance to do this is making you look guilty as hell. If you’re so sure it’s mine, then what’s the problem?”

“The problem is you’re making me feel like shit because Leighton is so desperate for this baby not to be yours!”

“ENOUGH about Leighton!” I yell, before taking a deep breath, counting to ten. I pinch the bridge of my nose and prepare to let her have it. “Jesus Christ, YOUR friends were talking shit to her at the bar on Friday, did you know that? YOUR friends slipped up when they thought she wasn’t around and said something about you getting pregnant wasn’t part of ‘some plan?’ What the hell is that, Alli? Is this all some game? My dad’s a lawyer, and I can promise you it’s not a game you want to play with his son,” I growl at her and she shakes her head.

Tears spring to her eyes and she bites down on her bottom lip before she takes a step back. “I—I don’t know what they’re talking about.”

“I think you’re lying straight to my face, Alli. We’re taking a test, tomorrow,” I tell her, knowing that she has a doctor’s appointment anyway.

She shakes her head, the tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she takes a deep breath. “Do you really hate me that much?” She wrings her hands nervously and I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve just been blind to the bullshit this whole time.

“Hate has nothing to do with any of this.” I take a step forward, my voice low, cold, hurt. “Alli, is there even any point in taking this test?”

She doesn’t respond, so I take another step. “Allison,” I grit out her full name and she swallows.

“I…yes?” she squeaks.

“That sounds an awful fucking lot like a question for someone who was sure she’d only ever been with me.”


I take a step back, my mind going a mile a minute at her fear, her nervousness, her uncertainty. “Alli, did you sleep with someone else?” Her eyes flash to mine and I put a hand up. “I don’t give a fuck if you cheated on me or not. I want to know if you slept with another guy. A guy who might be the father!” I point at her stomach. “You’ve turned my goddamn life upside down for the past two months KNOWING there was a chance this baby may not be mine? I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry. I get that you were upset. But you were going to what…trap me? Or what, Alli, did you think I’d just fall in love with you when the baby was born and not give a fuck that the test results showed that it wasn’t mine?”

“I DIDN’T SAY IT WASN’T YOURS!” She screams.

“You certainly aren’t convinced it is, anymore,” I growl. Something Leighton says flashes through my mind. “One of your friends said she didn’t know we fucked. That night…I was so drunk.” I close my eyes, trying for the millionth time to trigger something from that night but it still comes up blank. “God, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say I was drugged.” I rub my head and as if the answer just fell out of the sky and landed at my feet, my head jerks up to meet her terrified gaze. “You wouldn’t have,” I say, but even as I say it, I realize that I’m not sure what exactly she wouldn’t do to get what she wants. “Speak! Say something. Deny anything.”

“I…I think you just blacked out that night. As did I! I don’t remember anything.”

“Bullshit! Oh my God, Alli, did you slip something in my drink?”

“No! How could you think that?”

“Well, to be honest, I don’t know all that much about you, but what I’ve seen the past few months, I haven’t liked very much. And surely not what I’ve learned the past thirty minutes. You’ve let me believe this is mine without a doubt, you’ve said multiple times that this couldn’t be anyone else’s, all the while knowing you fucked some other guy? That makes you a bad person, Alli,” I tell her. “And I don’t even want to know what it makes you if you drugged me the night we allegedly had sex. I’m guessing a felon. I’ll have to ask my dad,” I snarl before I turn and walk towards my car when I hear her scurrying behind me.

“Wait, Everett!” She puts her hands over her eyes and shakes her head. “Okay, we’ll…we’ll take the test.”

“Oh, there wasn’t a question in that. And I wasn’t asking for your permission. I mean I guess I can’t force you, but I can have a court summon it. I do know that I’m well within my rights to do that.” I shake my head at her. “I didn’t deserve this. For you to have done this to me?”

“And I deserved you cheating on me!?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance