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She nods in agreement. “I want…I want to get back together.”

And then the last of my resolve breaks. My lips are on hers in a second as my hands are unsnapping her bra. Her luscious tits spring free and I push her down onto the couch making her lie on her back. “Wait.” She puts a hand up and I look at her in almost horror, that she’s telling me to stop while her rosy nipples are currently pebbling under my gaze and aching for my tongue. “I want to go upstairs. Once we start, I don’t plan on stopping and I don’t know when Peyton is coming home.”

I nod in agreement, just as I hear her phone chime from somewhere in the room. “It’s probably just Peyton,” she says dismissively as she searches the room for her discarded purse and pulls it out while I grab her shirt and bra from the floor. Her eyebrows form a V between her eyes and for a second, I think it’s Alli, who I’m sure has gotten wind that I went home with Leighton, and if she’s really as vindictive as her friends implied, she probably is trying to stir up more trouble.

I look over her shoulder and immediately see red with who texted her at damn near midnight. “Are you fucking kidding?” Her eyes snap to mine and look down at her phone. “Your ex-boyfriend?” Why the hell is Adam texting her?

She looks contrite for a literal second before she rolls her eyes. “He’s going to help me study for the stats final.” She grabs her shirt from me and pulls it over her naked breasts.

“Still doesn’t really address my question of are you fucking kidding?”


“That douche is texting you at midnight about statistics? Give me a fucking break, Leighton Alexandra.” Even though it was brief, I definitely caught the what’s up? Which at midnight on a Friday night is the fuckboy code for “you up? And can I swing through to hang out and potentially fuck your drunk brains out?”

She looks up at me with a devilish grin. “I love when you use my first and middle name. It makes me think I’m in trouble. And I love when I’m in trouble.” She bites her lip and trails her fingertips down her neck, stroking the skin I love to wrap my hands around. The space I love to bite.

Fuck, I loved when she pisses me off enough for me to use her full name too. I shake my head, remembering why I’m pissed in the first place. But hold the fuck up.

“Are you hooking up with him? I mean…while we were apart?”

Her mouth drops open before forming an angry expression. “Why are you asking me questions you already know the answer to?”

She wouldn’t. “Have you seen him…? Outside of class?”

“No, Everett, but he offered to help me study and I agreed. I need help.”

“I’ll help you. I took it last semester; I may still even have my practice final.”

“You have your own exams to study for, and you’re just doing this because you’re jealous for literally no reason.”

“He’s your ex-boyfriend, Leighton,” I spit out, wanting to break his neck for even thinking that he could get back with her that way.

“Nothing was going to happen, even if you and I didn’t get back together, and now that we are—”

“I don’t want you seeing him,” I interrupt.

She raises her eyebrows at me and puts her hands on her hips. “Really?” She holds her phone out for me to take. “We aren’t even remotely flirting, Everett. Here, look.” I want to tell myself that I trust her. That I don’t have the right to look through her phone, especially given my precarious situation involving another girl, but I have to see it. I have to know what he’s been saying. I don’t think she was flirting, but I need to see what his angle is.

I scroll through slowly, and breathe a quiet sigh of relief when I note it really all does seem innocent, mostly about statistics, and him asking her how she is. The questions are mostly one sided, and I’m happy that Leighton rarely kept the conversation going. I hand her phone back to her, satisfied but still far from thrilled at the idea of her spending an entire night with him preparing for her final.

“Yes, really, Leighton. You are mine and if I have to fuck the life out of you to drive my point home, I will.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Cartwright.” She smirks. And in this moment, I hate that I’m going to give in to what she wants, but I also know that I won’t be able to fuck her without exerting my possession over her especially in light of this new information.

“I don’t want you alone with him. Plain and simple.” I take a step towards her just as she takes one back, and I can already see the playful glint in her eye.

She bites down on her lip and then turns and bolts up the stairs. I’m behind her instantly, chasing her towards her room. I slam the door behind me as she hops on the bed, her sexy tits bouncing and making my mouth water. She pulls her shirt off over her head and pulls her skirt and panties down leaving her naked in seconds besides the smile on her face and the love in her eyes.

I lean up against her door, my arms crossed over my chest as I eye her lasciviously. “Come here,” I command. She stands to her feet preparing to walk over when I put a hand up. “On your knees. Crawl.”

She blinks her eyes several times before she bows her head and slowly lowers herself to her hands and knees. She moves towards me putting one hand in front of the other and her knees move in tandem as she moves closer to me. When she’s in front of me, she sits back on her heels and looks up at me, those dark eyes, almost the color of the night sky. I unbutton my jeans, letting them fall to the floor and rub my dick through my briefs before letting my hands fall to my sides. “Take it out.”

She does as I ask without hesitation, sliding my black briefs down my legs and letting them join my jeans, which are still around my ankles. She licks her lips and I grasp her jaw, squeezing slightly.

“Stick out your tongue.” She follows my command, opening her mouth so I can rub my cock across the pink, silky muscle. I let go of her jaw and she starts to close her mouth around me when I shoot her a warning glare. “Eager little thing, aren’t you? You want me to shoot my cum down your throat?”

She can’t speak because my cock is resting on her tongue but her eyes widen excitedly and she nods vigorously. Her tongue curls slightly rubbing the tip across one of the veins on the underside of my dick and I groan at the gentle stroke. “Goddamn, your mouth is so fucking sinful.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance