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One Month Later

“Ican’t believe you’re letting me drag you out tonight!” Peyton cheers as she bounces up and down, her blonde waves blowing in the slight wind. We are walking down Main Street towards this bar that’s offering two for one shots from nine to eleven in honor of the last week of classes. Finals don’t start until next week, so I’m allowing myself one night to cut loose before I hole up in the library for the better part of next week. Not that I really need to. The one benefit of breaking up with Everett and also my own heart, is I’ve been studying my ass off. I don’t do much but eat, sleep, and study. I started conditioning for the upcoming fall season for soccer last week, but other than that I don’t do much else. This is the first time I’ve been out in weeks and I’ll admit it feels good. “Sky is so jealous.”

“Somehow I doubt that.” I tuck a curled hair behind my ear. “Skyler is holed up at some bed and breakfast in Virginia with her hot boyfriend, getting the shit fucked out of her. Somehow, I don’t think she cares that we’re going out.” I roll my eyes and smooth down my dress. It’s hotter than hell even at nine-thirty, and I’m glad I decided against bringing a jacket. My back is out, my legs are out, and though my tits are covered, Peyton told me I look thoroughly fuckable. Normally, I would send a picture to Everett, but I settled for posting something on my Instagram story that shows I’m going out, and more importantly what I’m wearing.

He was the first to view it.

I stared at my phone for a full minute after, waiting for him to respond to it, and I’ll admit my heart sank when I realized he wasn’t going to say anything.

Because I told him I need space and I haven’t said otherwise since the night he left my house. I don’t respond to any of his texts or calls and now in the past week they’ve stopped altogether.

We make it to the bar and flash our fakes at the bouncer who waves us in without another thought. There are people surrounding the bar, smoking and talking, and I scan the outdoor perimeter, briefly wondering if I’d see Everett. I know I asked for space but after two shots of tequila after a month of sobriety inspired by heartbreak, I realize I want anything but.


She doesn’t look at me as she scans the bar. “Yeah, babe?”

The tequila fueled words are flying out of my mouth before I can stop them. “I want to call Everett.”

Her eyes snap to mine and flicker. “Fuck, I knew the second shot was a mistake. No, we talked about this,” she scolds.

“I know. I know I said I didn’t want to call him.” I shake my head, my heart slowly starting to pound at the idea of seeing him. Shit, not drinking for a month has turned me into a lightweight. “But I still love him so much, and I—” I stop talking when I sense eyes on me. Deep blue eyes that I know better than anyone are currently undressing me from across the room.

“Oh God dammit, Leigh, let’s go.” I feel her hand around my bicep tugging me towards the door, but I don’t move.

“No…I…” I stutter as I feel my skin heat under his gaze. I watch as he downs his drink in one gulp and passes his friends to make his way over to me. Peyton is still pulling on my arm, trying to get me to follow her, but my feet are rooted to the spot, as if they’re nailed there. I bite my bottom lip that’s painted red and stare up at him as he approaches me.

The love of my freaking life.

The one who got away.

The one I pushed away.

“Hi, beautiful.” He smiles and my eyes widen at his comment. He still…wants me? After all those horrible things I said? After telling him I never wanted to talk to him again? “I know you said you wanted space but—”

I don’t let him continue before I’m in his arms, squeezing him hard. I wrap my arms around his neck and push my face harder into his black t-shirt. His arms immediately go around my back to stroke the bare skin and then I feel his lips on my temple. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I just had to come over because you’re so fucking beautiful and…”

I rub under my eyes and shake my head before pulling back. “I’ve missed you.”

His eyebrows shoot to his hairline and a sad smile finds his face. “You have no fucking idea.” We stare at each other for a second, like we’re just seeing each other for the first time.

I break the silence. “I went to your game last weekend…” I whisper.

“You did?”

“I did, you played well.” I nod. I went because I was trying to be supportive of my best friend. I know lacrosse is important to him and despite not speaking, I wanted to be there. And also, I longed to see him. I sat in the stands, wearing one of his jerseys underneath my jacket huddled with Skyler under an umbrella as a warm spring rain trickled down around us.

“I’d let everything slip through my fingers. You, lacrosse, my friends…even Pat and Dave got sick of my moping. The only thing that hasn’t suffered are my grades, though I did bomb a biochem exam. Finally, my dad and brother flew out and told me to get my ass together if I wanted a shot at getting you back.”

“Me?” His father and brother said that? They want him with me? Not with Alli?

“I was walking around feeling sorry for myself, and hating the world… and I relied too much on you to make me feel better. I relied too much on you to be my salvation in this shitty situation. But…I wasn’t being yours.”

My lip trembles and I turn my gaze to the left expecting to see Peyton, but she’s disappeared into the crowd of drunk students who are shaking their asses to Rihanna. I turn back to Everett and look him over. His biceps peek out of his black t-shirt and his jeans hug him in all the right places making the space between my legs thump with need. I miss him. I miss him there. “Want to get a drink?” He nods towards the bar. I start to follow him but then hesitate.

“I should stay here, so Peyton doesn’t think I disappeared.” I point at the floor indicating, where I’d wait.

“I’ll get it for you. Vodka soda?” His lips quirk up in a half smile and the dull throb between my legs turns more aggressive.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance